Originally posted by QPRDave
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The EU is answerable to each member country which sends their prime ministers/heads of government, to the EU council and when there's council summits they decide stuff, together. These heads of government are answerable to their voters. There's also the EU parliament which also has a say.
The Appledore Shipyard is not shutting down because of the EU. As far as I know it lost its contract with armed forces of Malta which is why it got into trouble. Who knows maybe Malta was worried about Brexit. I'll say it again after Brexit, our manufacturing sector and heavy industry will have to be left behind. This is what the Brexiteers themselves say.
If you don't like tendering across the EU than you also don't want to win contracts across the EU. Believe it or not we do quite well out of it as our service sector like banks and insurance are dominant and we are reaping the profits of the single market. It's just that we don't get to hear a lot of this. Bad news travels quicker. You might lose a bit on fishing and other things but gain a lot more on the rest.
With regards to immigration, it's all a myth and wild claims. It will not come down, it will probably go up. We will get our immigration from further afield now instead of Europe. If anyone is worried about integration and the rate of cultural change you can bet it will be worse now as non EU migration will be the bulk of the migrants now. We may now have more nurses coming in from Zimbabwe, Jamaica and the Philippines instead of Spain, Italy and Poland. MigrationWatch themselves have said as much and branded the governments post Brexit policy as going from the frying pan into the fire.
Also over the years the majority of the immigration coming into the country has been non-EU migrants. Most years non-EU has been the vast majority of immigration. The government has always had full control over non-EU immigration and they have done nothing to reduce the numbers. The irony is that now we're coming out of EU in order to take back control and give it to the government who I suspect will do nothing about it just as their track record shows.
You are mistaking the ECJ with the European Court of the Human Rights (ECHR) which has nothing to do with the EU. The ECJ just deals with contract law and is not to be confused with the ECHR.
The ECHR is not an EU body. Even Russia and Moldova are part of the ECHR which are not in the EU. ECHR only deals with human rights cases and we are one of the main countries that drafted the European Convention of Human Rights (e.g. No death penalty, no torture etc). It's got Europe in the name but not part of the EU, we can come out of it and not come of the EU. It's just that we'd be compared to North Korea or Burma or something and lose face.
I agree the name calling and all that other stuff happens a lot. It's doubly worse really as it goes on both sides. It really doesn't help when we need to bring the country together instead of apart.