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Finsbury Park Mosque

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  • #16
    To be honest, the only think that surprises me about this attack is that it didn't happen sooner. I really hope it is not the beginning of a trend of "revenge attacks". As a few others have said on this thread, the Far Right are capable of being almost as viscous as Islamic Extremists. It could turn into a bloodbath very quickly!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Itsonlyagame View Post
      I'll stand corrected if it turns out this nut follows some sort of political or religious ideology which he uses to justify his attack.
      If his only reason is he "hates muslims" that's not terrorism.
      But of course the press, Diane Abbott, Jk Rowling et al can't bring themselves to call him what he almost certainly is, an islamaphobe, albeit a murdering one. They obviously want to go to great pains to let us all know how much they support Muslims which is fair enough, but don't move the goal posts around to suit.

      Seems like 1 random lunatic according to the news just coming out.


      • #18
        Just wondering whether one of his mates stitched him up and told him he'd get 72 sheep if he became a martyr.
        “He'll regret it till his dying day, if ever he lives that long”
        Will Danaher


        • #19
          What confuses me is the racist tag.
          Muslims can come from all walks of life.
          Islamaphobic maybe, but racist does not make any logical sense.
          Minds Are Like Parachutes.
          Work Best When Open...


          • #20
            Originally posted by Fraggy View Post
            What confuses me is the racist tag.
            Muslims can come from all walks of life.
            Islamaphobic maybe, but racist does not make any logical sense.
            There is a lots of history of Sikhs, Hindus etc. being attacked, beaten up, by people across Europe and the U.S. in the belief that they were Muslim because there are Asian. That Imam on Sunday probably saved the attackers life, everyone needs to take a few steps back, think long and hard about families who have lost loved ones over the last few weeks and consider about how does hurting and killing more people help anyone?


            • #21
              Originally posted by vanhoop View Post
              Was only a matter of time and be the first of many. The government have blood on their hands, Abbott that horrible ugly kannt called it a terrorist attack but Manchester and London Bridge were incidents. As Englishmen are we supposed to allow the jihadis to crack on with no response?? If the government won't do anything the people will.

              So...do you believe that the people that this cockwomble attacked were jihadists?


              • #22
                Originally posted by Johnnykc View Post
                So...do you believe that the people that this cockwomble attacked were jihadists?
                Never heard an Englishman call another Englishman a jihadi. Foreign word for kannt in my book
                Ooh northern lads love gravy


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Johnnykc View Post
                  So...do you believe that the people that this cockwomble attacked were jihadists?
                  So .. we have the phrase islamaphobia. What's it called when people that are Islamic attack christians, Jews , Catholics etc etc ? Finsbury Park mosque possibly a good few we're jihadis. Police found weapons and gas in there Sunday. Very religious
                  Ooh northern lads love gravy


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by vanhoop View Post
                    So .. we have the phrase islamaphobia. What's it called when people that are Islamic attack christians, Jews , Catholics etc etc ? Finsbury Park mosque possibly a good few we're jihadis. Police found weapons and gas in there Sunday. Very religious
                    tommy robinson has been asking that question for years


                    • #25
                      Ooh northern lads love gravy


                      • #26
                        That fella is a breath of fresh air
                        Ooh northern lads love gravy


                        • #27

                          Hmmm !


                          • #28
                            I've mates with kids that have been trying to get a council flat for the last 10 years brights. Really is unbelievable, a home built just for ones religious beliefs. I'll light a candle and sing a song, like #### !!!
                            Ooh northern lads love gravy


                            • #29
                              He said what I tried to say in a previous post on this thread.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by vanhoop View Post
                                I've mates with kids that have been trying to get a council flat for the last 10 years brights. Really is unbelievable, a home built just for ones religious beliefs. I'll light a candle and sing a song, like #### !!!
                                A Somalian fella I work with, who was born here and is actually a nice guy, admitted what most of us already know. He said that all newcomers to the UK, legal or otherwise, are immediately put in touch with people who can advise them on how to get housed, claim benefits etc as soon as they arrive in this country and also to 'play the race card' at every opportunity.

