Originally posted by Itsonlyagame
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It's always good sparring with you!
Digging deep is definitely the answer IMO, finding out who's really funding the organisation/outlet whatever. It's interesting to note - for example - how many pies George Soros has his finger in as he tries to influence international outcomes to suit his own agenda. Take the campaigning organisation Avaaz. Most people think they are a very worthy, right-on liberal campaigning organisation, but I have personally exposed some of their agendas. I used to be friends with one of the top people there, but we fell out seriously over this. I asked her why Avaaz was campaigning for armed intervention in Syria to overthrow Assad. I questioned the motivations (not least the fact that Avaaz is supposed to be promoting peace, not war), and asked her why Avaaz was basically doing the CIA's work for them. She threw a hissy fit, defriended me, blocked me etc. Usually a sign a nerve has been touched. I starting digging deeper and discovered Soros was involved in setting up Avaaz. As soon as I discovered this the pieces started to fall into place. The thing is, my former friend was completely ignorant of this. She thought she was doing good, on the right side of the argument. This is a classic case of what Lenin termed 'useful idiots' (not that she's an idiot, far from it) - people who will slavishly do your propaganda job for you, without realising they're actually doing the diametric opposite of what they want.
The world is full of useful idiots. They parrot whatever the MSM wants them too - their world view is a narrow focus filtered entirely through the lens of the MSM. In other words, they actually haven't got a ####ing clue what they're going on about - but here's the kicker - they think they do. They're often otherwise smart people. Useful idiots. David Icke calls them 'repeaters'. Yes, I've mentioned the anti-conspiracists bogey man Icke. Well, the funny thing is, Icke's been proven right on a lot of things, and a lot that he and those who work with him have exposed is still being suppressed by the MSM. All the paedo stuff for example. Keeps on being suppressed. Like when Theresa May accidentally lost the entire lot of files of evidence against them (MPs etc. included in the evidence). Whoops. How careless...
Nevertheless, the awareness of all this is growing exponentially. I think the Brexit and Trump votes were a sign of people breaking away from the MSM influence. There's a long, long way to go, but one day, we might actually get full transparency in public administration. How cool would that be. That's one reason I'm a fan of bitcoin - because it provides a transparent public ledger. And who knows, things could change dramatically. The Emperor is naked - and soon everyone might see it.