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Westminster / Manchester / London Bridge / Parsons Green attacks

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  • Originally posted by loneranger View Post
    So he was stupid for what he did at London Bridge ?
    No, he's stupid for what he did in the video doing the rounds this weekend.

    I commend his courage for what he did at London Bridge, but what he was spouting on this recent video is vile and has no place in modern society!


    • Originally posted by Johnnykc View Post
      It doesn't take away from what he did that night but it did seem quite obvious that he was a bit of a stupid c**t from the off......
      Originally posted by loneranger View Post
      So he was stupid for what he did at London Bridge ?
      So...no....he wasn't stupid for what he did at London Bridge........


      • Two men arrested yesterday in Essex, for amongst other things, preparing acts of terrorism.
        These arrests happen regularly but hardly make the headlines. Maybe our security services really are doing their job to the best of their ability, imho of course.
        “He'll regret it till his dying day, if ever he lives that long”
        Will Danaher


        • Originally posted by Itsonlyagame View Post
          Two men arrested yesterday in Essex, for amongst other things, preparing acts of terrorism.
          These arrests happen regularly but hardly make the headlines. Maybe our security services really are doing their job to the best of their ability, imho of course.
          There are all sorts of different factions and different agendas within our security services. Think about it. It is possible you know, that not all agencies know what all the other agencies are doing. It's clear (to me, anyway) that some are doing their job properly and well and others have different objectives.


          • Originally posted by Hubble View Post
            There are all sorts of different factions and different agendas within our security services. Think about it. It is possible you know, that not all agencies know what all the other agencies are doing. It's clear (to me, anyway) that some are doing their job properly and well and others have different objectives.
            I agree.
            As in all walks of life you will get those that deviate from an overall objective to suit their own agenda.
            “He'll regret it till his dying day, if ever he lives that long”
            Will Danaher


            • Much worse in France, where the 'state of emergency' they introduced after the terror attack in Paris, already in existence for 2 years, have now been extended indefinitely. This means protests against anything can be shut down at will. This is undoubtedly the beginning of a police state in Europe. And people thought they were voting for a Liberal. It's worth pointing out, France is a key EU state.

              "The French Senate has greenlit a controversial anti-terrorism bill which would make permanent the measures introduced during a two-year state of emergency. Protesters against the legislation gathered in Paris, saying France is becoming a ‘police state.’
              The ‘Bill strengthening internal security and combating terrorism’ was backed by 229 votes to 106 in the Senate, the upper house of the French Parliament, on Tuesday evening."

              "The French state of emergency has repeatedly been criticized by human rights groups. In June, Human Rights Watch (HRW) slammed the proposed bill, saying that it would “move some overly broad emergency powers into normal criminal and administrative law without adequate judicial safeguards.”

              "In May this year, Amnesty International said that emergency laws have not been used to protect civilians since the 2015 Paris attacks, but to restrict their human rights.

              According to the report, between November 2015 and May 2017, police used emergency powers to “issue 155 decrees prohibiting public assemblies, in addition to banning dozens of protests using ordinary French law.”

              The French Senate has greenlit a controversial anti-terrorism bill which would make permanent the measures introduced during a two-year state of emergency. Protesters against the legislation gathered in Paris, saying France is becoming a ‘police state.’


              • Originally posted by Hubble View Post
                Much worse in France, where the 'state of emergency' they introduced after the terror attack in Paris, already in existence for 2 years, have now been extended indefinitely. This means protests against anything can be shut down at will. This is undoubtedly the beginning of a police state in Europe. And people thought they were voting for a Liberal. It's worth pointing out, France is a key EU state.

                "The French Senate has greenlit a controversial anti-terrorism bill which would make permanent the measures introduced during a two-year state of emergency. Protesters against the legislation gathered in Paris, saying France is becoming a ‘police state.’
                The ‘Bill strengthening internal security and combating terrorism’ was backed by 229 votes to 106 in the Senate, the upper house of the French Parliament, on Tuesday evening."

                "The French state of emergency has repeatedly been criticized by human rights groups. In June, Human Rights Watch (HRW) slammed the proposed bill, saying that it would “move some overly broad emergency powers into normal criminal and administrative law without adequate judicial safeguards.”

                "In May this year, Amnesty International said that emergency laws have not been used to protect civilians since the 2015 Paris attacks, but to restrict their human rights.

                According to the report, between November 2015 and May 2017, police used emergency powers to “issue 155 decrees prohibiting public assemblies, in addition to banning dozens of protests using ordinary French law.”

                Thats not good at all


                • Originally posted by Stanley View Post
                  You'd be surprised but actually they are. Yes of course they're sick, but these people are far from stupid. They are extreme theocrats, which makes their evil ideology on a par with Nazism (if not more so) because it is utterly uncompromising, as post 394 details.
                  Interesting article that questions your theory on ISIS Stan!


                  • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post
                    Interesting article that questions your theory on ISIS Stan!

                    Totally. Wasn't referring to their minion fighters but the caliphatist, wahhabist, jihadist ideology of their leaders.


                    • Originally posted by Stanley View Post
                      Totally. Wasn't referring to their minion fighters but the caliphatist, wahhabist, jihadist ideology of their leaders.
                      Yeah, fair enough. Al-Baghdadi and his cronies. Yeah, those guys probably know the Quran inside out.

                      Not one for conspiracy theories, but there is an interesting one doing the rounds that Al-Baghdadi is actually a Mossad agent that is deep under-cover. Probably nonsense, but it's an interesting perspective. To be fair, Israel only stand to benefit from destabilisation of the region and in-fighting in the Arabic world. The vacuum that is left by failing states around them would allow Israel to very quietly grow their territory and increase their influence in the region.

                      As I say though, probably not true!


                      • Bomb on the tube at Parsons Green this morning. Early reports sound pretty horrific!

                        No fatalities as yet. Let's hope it stays that way.


                        • Looks like a very small homemade device, which according to these pics (who took them FFS??) did little damage:


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                            • Crazy how no one bats an eyelid anymore, especially if no deaths / minor injuries. There was a knife attack in Paris this morning too. Desensitized to the max


                              • Originally posted by Hubble View Post
                                Looks like a very small homemade device, which according to these pics (who took them FFS??) did little damage:

                                Is that all it was?

                                So these reports of a 'fireball' is just the tabloids over-egging the pudding?!

