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Westminster / Manchester / London Bridge / Parsons Green attacks

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  • Originally posted by Kevin Mcleod View Post
    No offence but you need to keep more of an eye on your kids if you think like that mate.
    Nobody could put a post it note in one of my kids bags .
    Where else in the world do i have to worry about christians blowing up my kids at events, would genuinely like to know in case i go on holiday there.
    Anders Breivik was a white, far right, anti-muslim terrorist who killed 69 kids on a killing spree in Norway.

    Gonna keep saying it. Extremism is our enemy, not any particular religion, skin colour, or walk of life!


    • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post
      Anders Breivik was a white, far right, anti-muslim terrorist who killed 69 kids on a killing spree in Norway.

      Gonna keep saying it. Extremism is our enemy, not any particular religion, skin colour, or walk of life!
      Id appreciate if you would do extremism of any other religion colour or walk updates on here tarbie mate.
      Would be informative to keep an eye on it


      • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post
        See the difference here is I'm talking about people coming into the country on employment visas, refugee status, spousal visas etc. You know, long term stays.

        Trump's proposed ban was on all travel of people from certain countries, including people on Western passports born in territories he was concerned about. I read about Mo Farah who is a resident of the US. Under Trumps proposed ban, he would have been unable to travel to his home base, where his family live because he was born in Somalia.

        However you justify it, Trumps proposed ban was heavy handed to say the least!
        In the amended proposal (which was also rejected), they made it clear that people with valid visas and green cards would not be affected. If you were a Christian or of any other religious denomination, you'd also be on the ban list if you were from one of the banned country's. I also thing its interesting how there has been not a single murmuring of discontent from any other Muslim majority country over the proposed ban.

        The ironic thing is, had they just let the amended proposal through, it'd almost be done with now anyway


        • Originally posted by Jeems View Post
          In the amended proposal (which was also rejected), they made it clear that people with valid visas and green cards would not be affected. If you were a Christian or of any other religious denomination, you'd also be on the ban list if you were from one of the banned country's. I also thing its interesting how there has been not a single murmuring of discontent from any other Muslim majority country over the proposed ban.

          The ironic thing is, had they just let the amended proposal through, it'd almost be done with now anyway
          Oh yeah?


          • Originally posted by Kevin Mcleod View Post
            Id appreciate if you would do extremism of any other religion colour or walk updates on here tarbie mate.
            Would be informative to keep an eye on it
            To be honest, I'd be hard pushed to find too many recently. Aside from Breivik and the occasional deranged schoolkid shooting his classmates in the US.

            But then again, it's been a while since the US and British governments have declared war on any Christian, Hindi or Buddhist countries, killing hundreds of thousands of people in the process..............So I suppose that might be a factor.
            Last edited by Tarbie; 25-05-2017, 01:43 PM.


            • Originally posted by Hubble View Post
              Very, very interesting article on this by former UK ambassador Craig Murray. Makes a great deal of sense about who could be behind this. Worth a read: https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archi...itical-threat/
              Very interesting that Hubs.

              As I'd said earlier in this thread, I had no doubts that this attack was designed to affect public opinion with the upcoming election. I hadn't thought as far as the Saudi influence and their preference for a Conservative government, although I was fully aware of the level of sponsorship ISIS receive from Saudi Arabia.

              What a horrible, cynical and murky world we live in!
              Last edited by Tarbie; 25-05-2017, 02:51 PM.


              • So Iraq (on the ban list), Sudan (on the ban list) and Iran (on the original ban list but no longer) got mad. But nothing from the likes of Malaysia, Turkey, Egypt etc etc


                • Originally posted by Jeems View Post
                  So Iraq (on the ban list), Sudan (on the ban list) and Iran (on the original ban list but no longer) got mad. But nothing from the likes of Malaysia, Turkey, Egypt etc etc
                  Could the new US president’s executive order barring the citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States further undermine relations between Ankara and Washington?

                  This could go on all day mate!


                  • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post
                    Very interesting that Hubs.

                    As I'd said earlier in this thread, I had no doubts that this attack was designed to affect public opinion with the upcoming election. I hadn't thought as far as the Saudi influence and their preference for a Conservative government, although I was fully aware of the level of sponsorship ISIS receive from Saudi Arabia.

                    What a horrible, cynical and murky world we live in!
                    Exactly who gained what from which party over the dead bodies of all those innocent people tarbs?
                    Cant be the tories, cos she called an election thats totlly unnecessary and will be a landslide win, so they definitley don't need to kill kids over it.
                    The labour party then, what do the gain cos i honestly dont get it?


                    • Originally posted by Kevin Mcleod View Post
                      Exactly who gained what from which party over the dead bodies of all those innocent people tarbs?
                      Cant be the tories, cos she called an election thats totlly unnecessary and will be a landslide win, so they definitley don't need to kill kids over it.
                      The labour party then, what do the gain cos i honestly dont get it?
                      Did you read the article that Hubble posted?

                      And of course the Tories will come out better than any other party out if this! Not saying they influenced this attack or the timing of it. More that those that want to keep them in power (i.e. ISIS and/or Saudi) may have selected a date close to the election for a reason. If you read the article then you will understand the context.

                      I also don't buy that the Converatives will walk this election. 2 weeks ago I'd have agreed but the opinion polls are swaying massively towards Labour.
                      Last edited by Tarbie; 25-05-2017, 04:41 PM.


                      • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post
                        Did you read the article that Hubble posted?

                        And of course the Tories will come out better than any other party out if this! Not saying they influenced it, more that those that want to keep them in power (i.e. ISIS and/or Saudi) may have.
                        No need for the election. Only called it cos there is no way ever ever ever they can lose. So really not neccesary to murder little girls. Thats mad talk it really is. If you said Labour asked him to do it as a desperate act to gain votes, youd still be nuts to me, but a bit less nuts

                        Oh and on that article, only got through the first paragraph and farked it off when he said lone men cant make bombs like that. Hes part of a libyan army and course he didnt make it at home on his own. So why would i read any more of the fairy tales.

                        Oh and could you do all of us a favour and tell all them muslims that you know that we didnt get to vote on whether we bombed their countries, if we had of we would of voted no....people even mrched to try and stop them doing it
                        So hopefully they could they spread the word to each other and bomb one of blairs gaffs and not our kids please.
                        Last edited by Kevin Mcleod; 25-05-2017, 04:44 PM.


                        • Originally posted by Kevin Mcleod View Post
                          No need for the election. Only called it cos there is no way ever ever ever they can lose. So really not neccesary to murder little girls. Thats mad talk it really is. If you said Labour asked him to do it as a desperate act to gain votes, youd still be nuts to me, but a bit less nuts

                          Oh and on that article, only got through the first paragraph and farked it off when he said lone men cant make bombs like that. Hes part of a libyan army and course he didnt make it at home on his own. So why would i read any more of the fairy tales.

                          Oh and could you do all of us a favour and tell all them muslims that you know that we didnt get to vote on whether we bombed their countries, if we had of we would of voted no....people even mrched to try and stop them doing it
                          So hopefully they could they spread the word to each other and bomb one of blairs gaffs and not our kids please.
                          Mate, if you cant be bothered to read the article that I'm talking about, why are you giving me sh*t about my comments on it?

                          Never said for a minute our government had anything to do with this attack.


                          • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post
                            Very interesting that Hubs.

                            As I'd said earlier in this thread, I had no doubts that this attack was designed to affect public opinion with the upcoming election.
                            This wasnt you then? My bad.
                            And mate please don't tell me to read the ramblings of a proper mentalist. What will that ever change in my mind?


                            • Originally posted by Kevin Mcleod View Post
                              This wasnt you then? My bad.
                              And mate please don't tell me to read the ramblings of a proper mentalist. What will that ever change in my mind?
                              I said the timing was chosen to affect the election yes. But not by forces within the country.

                              Article was from a very credible source too by the way!


                              • So they didnt make him do it they just told him when to do it?

                                Credible in what way? A credible conspiracy theorist?

