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Westminster / Manchester / London Bridge / Parsons Green attacks

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  • The Koran says kill all non believers

    And that is also a fact


    • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post
      Well if we created the conditions that in turn created ISIS by going to war with Iraq in 2003, then of course it is directly related. If we hadn't have gone to war with Iraq, there would be no ISIS. And that's not even my opinion, that's hard fact!
      Tarbie mate, again, I am not disputing any of that, but I don't think you understood my point. I'm referring to the many countries who had no involvement in the 2003 Iraq war and beyond, but who are still being attacked by Global Jihadist terrorism. You haven't squared that one.


      • Originally posted by Stanley View Post
        Sweden, Belgium, Germany, France, Indonesia, Somalia and Egypt have all been subjected to the current wave of Jihadist terror too. Which Muslim lands have they invaded?
        And i read that Japan and Poland were both in Iraq and neither have been touched.


        • Originally posted by Bigdave View Post
          The Koran says kill all non believers

          And that is also a fact
          It also says Mohammed flew into Heaven on the back of a winged horse.......but do you think most Muslims take that literally?

          All religious scripture is full of nonsense. The Old Testament at one stage says God destroys all fetuses of those that do not worship him. There is also a passage where God approves the massacre of a peaceful people so one of his tribes could have a place to live. And loads of other twisted sh*t.

          The thing is that most people who follow religion of any kind these days accept that the scripture is thousands of years old and not written for modern society.

          The difficulty we have today is that there are people who take Islamic scripture literally and act accordingly. If you were to take the bible literally and act upon it, I'd imagine there is the potential to do as much harm to the planet as these Islamic fundamentalists are doing today.


          • Originally posted by Stanley View Post
            Tarbie mate, again, I am not disputing any of that, but I don't think you understood my point. I'm referring to the many countries who had no involvement in the 2003 Iraq war and beyond, but who are still being attacked by Global Jihadist terrorism. You haven't squared that one.
            What is there to square? I'm not disputing that ISIS hate them too. Never have. They hate all Western philosophy and Christian belief systems!


            • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post
              It also says Mohammed flew into Heaven on the back of a winged horse.......but do you think most Muslims take that literally?

              All religious scripture is full of nonsense. The Old Testament at one stage says God destroys all fetuses of those that do not worship him. There is also a passage where God approves the massacre of a peaceful people so one of his tribes could have a place to live. And loads of other twisted sh*t.

              The thing is that most people who follow religion of any kind these days accept that the scripture is thousands of years old and not written for modern society.

              The difficulty we have today is that there are people who take Islamic scripture literally and act accordingly. If you were to take the bible literally and act upon it, I'd imagine there is the potential to do as much harm to the planet as these Islamic fundamentalists are doing today.
              Not arguing for arguments sake but they really do believe that he flew to heaven on a winged horse , same as they believe its fine to marry 8 year old muslim girls and that they get 72 virgins for bombing 8 year old english girls.


              • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post
                What is there to square? I'm not disputing that ISIS hate them too. Never have. They hate all Western philosophy and Christian belief systems!
                Your earlier response (1st paragraph) to Brendan O'Neil's satirical piece on ISIS that Kevin posted.


                • Originally posted by Stanley View Post
                  Your earlier response to Brendan O'Neil's satirical piece on ISIS that Kevin posted.
                  Yeah, my point was that sort of satire just downplays the significant part our own government has played in the troubles we are seeing today.


                  • Originally posted by Kevin Mcleod View Post
                    Not arguing for arguments sake but they really do believe that he flew to heaven on a winged horse , same as they believe its fine to marry 8 year old muslim girls and that they get 72 virgins for bombing 8 year old english girls.
                    Those that follow ISIS might believe that. I can guarantee you that 99.9% of the Muslims on this planet don't believe in flying horses. Just as they certainly don't believe it's fine to marry 8 year old girls or to kill other humans.


                    • I believe (and its only my belief) that its got nothing to do with foreign policy and that the extremists want to take over Europe as its more thriving, profitable and comfortable than where their roots are, and the moderates are more than happy to go along with that as its in their history to follow sharia law etc.
                      The others are to scared to say anything against it and will go along cos of that.


                      • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post
                        Yeah, my point was that sort of satire just downplays the significant part our own government has played in the troubles we are seeing today.
                        But surely that misses the point of the satire, which is to highlight the fact that ISIS murder, torture and terrorise anyone who does not see or conform to their world view, totally irrespective of whether or not those same people have ever attacked them or invaded their lands.


                        • Originally posted by Kevin Mcleod View Post
                          I believe (and its only my belief) that its got nothing to do with foreign policy and that the extremists want to take over Europe as its more thriving, profitable and comfortable than where their roots are, and the moderates are more than happy to go along with that as its in their history to follow sharia law etc.
                          The others are to scared to say anything against it and will go along cos of that.
                          But if these guys took over Europe, it would no longer be thriving Kev. How productive do you think you'd be at work if you had Sharia Law forced upon you and your family against your will?
                          Last edited by Tarbie; 27-05-2017, 01:06 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Stanley View Post
                            But surely that misses the point of the satire, which is to highlight the fact that ISIS murder, torture and terrorise anyone who does not see or conform to their world view, totally irrespective of whether or not those same people have ever attacked them or invaded their lands.
                            Guess I missed the point of the satire in that case mate!


                            • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post
                              But if these guys took over Europe, it would no longer be thriving Kev. How productive do you think you'd be at work if you had Sharia Law forced upon you against your will?
                              Its a total takeover, they would just bomb our kids some more to make us work.
                              Being called rascist by saying stuff like this is whats allowing them to get away with it.
                              Police visiting mosques to say sorry and muslims saying they are the ones suffering the most over the manchester bombing cos of fake and imaginary hate crime are all the signs.
                              Imagine the riots if a mad right winger nail bombed a mosque and killed their kids. Would the police visit the edl head quarters and say sorry if your getting any grief lads, or would a labour leader like Abbot say you need to speak to the skinheads mums to solve this.

                              Did you see this channel 4 interview the day after the bomb, sums it up for me.

                              Last edited by Kevin Mcleod; 27-05-2017, 01:12 PM.


                              • Originally posted by Kevin Mcleod View Post
                                Its a total takeover, they would just bomb our kids some more to make us work.
                                Being called rascist by saying stuff like this is whats allowing them to get away with it.
                                Police visiting mosques to say sorry and muslims saying they are the ones suffering the most over the manchester bombing cos of fake and imaginary hate crime are all the signs.
                                Imagine the riots if a mad right winger nail bombed a mosque and killed their kids. Would the police visit the edl head quarters and say sorry if your getting any grief lads, or would a labour leader like Abbot say you need to speak to the skinheads mums to solve this.

                                Did you see this channel 4 interview the day after the bomb, sums it up for me.

                                Is it the first guy in the grey t-shirt that has wound you up?

                                The guy is from Libya mate. Bear in mind that he has seen his whole country torn to pieces, schools, mosques, hospitals, houses, everything leveled to the ground. Libya is now without a government, a police force, a healthcare system and hardly any schools for whats left of the next generation to go to get educated.

                                Personally I can understand why someone in his position might play down 22 killed here as just another example of violence. What his country has been through is literally a thousand times worse. To be honest, they should never have put the guy on TV though.

