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Westminster / Manchester / London Bridge / Parsons Green attacks

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  • Originally posted by James1979 View Post
    why are these extremists killing Christians in Egypt? That can't be due to western foreign policy. There are many reasons for their hatred towards us. One reason is the wars in the middle east but it is not the only reason. I also think that by saying publicly that our foreign policy is wrong, you are justifying the attacks and to make matters worse, almost saying, kill some more of us, it's working, we will change out policy.
    I don't particularly like Corbyn, but I commend him for having the balls to admit our foreign policy is wrong while most other politicians bury their heads in the sand over this subject. I agree that his timing is bad though. If I had lost a loved one in Manchester, I'm not sure it would be what I'd want to hear at this time.

    As for the Egypt attack, I have no idea of the motivation for that one. Have ISIS claimed it?


    • Loads of people asking what in Sweden, Belgium, Germany , France, Jakarta, Mogodishu and Egypts foreign policies caused them to be attacked by muslims?
      Any idea mate?

      Liked this Tommy tweet today.

      Ask yourself, why do you remember the name of Andres Brevik but not the name of 7/7 bombers? #MSM
      Last edited by Kevin Mcleod; 27-05-2017, 12:24 AM.


      • Originally posted by Kevin Mcleod View Post
        Loads of people asking what in Sweden, Belgium, Germany , France, Jakarta, Mogodishu and Egypts foreign policies caused them to be attacked by muslims?
        Any idea mate?

        Liked this Tommy tweet today.

        Ask yourself, why do you remember the name of Andres Brevik but not the name of 7/7 bombers? #MSM
        I thought that our government was behind the attacks though?


        • Originally posted by James1979 View Post
          I thought that our government was behind the attacks though?
          I don't believe that. Hubble might, but I certainly don't believe any current, Western government would turn on its own people. Especially it's children.

          I do however think that the timing of the attack was deliberately chosen to affect the election. I thought that immediately when I heard about the attack on Tuesday morning.

          Whether it was ISIS who chose the date or one of their sponsors would be hard to ever find out. But the theory that Saudi may have influenced this really isn't far fetched at all when you connect the dots. Everyone who has ever done any reseach into ISIS will tell you without doubt, most of their money comes from Saudi and Turkey.
          Last edited by Tarbie; 27-05-2017, 07:34 AM.


          • Who do you think did it to gain out of ot then if it was an election timed mass murder mate?
            Labour are gaining points on the tories this week more than any other time since she called the GE.
            Going by that if anyone told the coward scum when to bomb the kids, it has to be Corbyn.


            • Cognitive Dissonance

              Leftist: ISIS attacks in the West are fuelled by anger at Western foreign policy.

              ISIS: Nah, we're sectarians who hate you for refusing to bow before our religious diktats.

              Leftist: Come now, you're better than that.

              ISIS: We really aren't.

              Leftist: It's political anger you're feeling. At some level. You're kind of anti-war!

              ISIS: I'm pretty sure we love war.

              Leftist: But if our nations didn't attack your nations, you wouldn't attack ours.

              ISIS: We would. We have. Sweden. Belgium. They didn't attack us and they still got it.

              Leftist: But Trump. And Bush. And Blair. Such awful people! They made you like this, they made you do this.

              ISIS: I'm pretty sure it was Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi giving me orders, not Tony Blair.

              Leftist: But we are so Islamophobic and you hate us for that. We should respect Islam more.

              ISIS: We don't want you to respect Islam, we want you to convert to it. Have you read anything we've written?

              Leftist: Look, once we leave your lands, you will leave us alone, I just know it!

              ISIS: We won't.

              Leftist: You will.

              ISIS: We won't.

              Leftist: You will.

              ISIS: Okay, we will. *quiet maniacal laugh*


              • What a brilliant piece of satire Kevin. Where did you find that?


                • Originally posted by Kevin Mcleod View Post
                  Who do you think did it to gain out of ot then if it was an election timed mass murder mate?
                  Labour are gaining points on the tories this week more than any other time since she called the GE.
                  Going by that if anyone told the coward scum when to bomb the kids, it has to be Corbyn.
                  Well neither ISIS nor Saudi would want Corbyn in charge. He's a pacifist and he would point blank oppose any future arms deals into the region by British companies if he was in power.

                  Many political commentators assumed this attack would strengthen the Tories campaign, given that they have the toughest stance against terrorism and immigration out of all the major parties. The fact that it hasn't worked out that way is a huge surprise to me!
                  Last edited by Tarbie; 27-05-2017, 10:26 AM.


                  • Originally posted by Stanley View Post
                    What a brilliant piece of satire Kevin. Where did you find that?
                    This bloke Stan mate.

                    Brendan O' Neil, hes the editor of Spiked .


                    • Originally posted by Kevin Mcleod View Post
                      Cognitive Dissonance

                      Leftist: ISIS attacks in the West are fuelled by anger at Western foreign policy.

                      ISIS: Nah, we're sectarians who hate you for refusing to bow before our religious diktats.

                      Leftist: Come now, you're better than that.

                      ISIS: We really aren't.

                      Leftist: It's political anger you're feeling. At some level. You're kind of anti-war!

                      ISIS: I'm pretty sure we love war.

                      Leftist: But if our nations didn't attack your nations, you wouldn't attack ours.

                      ISIS: We would. We have. Sweden. Belgium. They didn't attack us and they still got it.

                      Leftist: But Trump. And Bush. And Blair. Such awful people! They made you like this, they made you do this.

                      ISIS: I'm pretty sure it was Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi giving me orders, not Tony Blair.

                      Leftist: But we are so Islamophobic and you hate us for that. We should respect Islam more.

                      ISIS: We don't want you to respect Islam, we want you to convert to it. Have you read anything we've written?

                      Leftist: Look, once we leave your lands, you will leave us alone, I just know it!

                      ISIS: We won't.

                      Leftist: You will.

                      ISIS: We won't.

                      Leftist: You will.

                      ISIS: Okay, we will. *quiet maniacal laugh*

                      This sort of stuff is just burying your head in the sand though Kev. You think it's no coincidence that the current wave of terror started directly after the 2003 invasion of Iraq?

                      Of course, the whole cycle of violence was started by Osama Bin Laden, but Al Qaeda were a tiny organisation made up predominantly of ex-Mujahadeen. Nothing like the size and scope of the various terror organisations in the Middle East these days.


                      • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post
                        This sort of stuff is just burying your head in the sand though Kev. You think it's no coincidence that the current wave of terror started directly after the 2003 invasion of Iraq?

                        Of course, the whole cycle of violence was started by Osama Bin Laden, but Al Qaeda were a tiny organisation made up predominantly of ex-Mujahadeen. Nothing like the size and scope of the various terror organisations in the Middle East these days.
                        So why are they attacking christians in Egypt? What wars have they been involved in. I think you and others are looking for a rational justification for the attacks, when for these nutters, there aren't any. They will find any reason to attack us. We should stop looking at our faults as a justification for their actions.


                        • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post
                          This sort of stuff is just burying your head in the sand though Kev. You think it's no coincidence that the current wave of terror started directly after the 2003 invasion of Iraq?
                          Sweden, Belgium, Germany, France, Indonesia, Somalia and Egypt have all been subjected to the current wave of Jihadist terror too. Which Muslim lands have they invaded?


                          • Originally posted by Stanley View Post
                            Sweden, Belgium, Germany, France, Indonesia, Somalia and Egypt have all been subjected to the current wave of Jihadist terror too. Which Muslim lands have they invaded?
                            And a lot more countries than that too I believe.

                            I'm not saying that ISIS do not have an anti-western philosophy that extends far beyond nations that were involved in the Iraq war. What I'm saying is that by invading Iraq and Libya, then not leaving a functioning society when we left, we have created the conditions required for ISIS to evolve and to recruit.

                            Look at Iraq and Libya today compared to before the wars. They've been levelled. Homes destroyed, no schools, no proper healthcare, no police, no government. The fundamentals of society left in ruins.

                            All of that is before you consider that everyone in Iraq and Libya have lost relatives in the conflict.

                            How can the West, and particular the US and the UK not be responsible in some part for the terror that we are seeing today?
                            Last edited by Tarbie; 27-05-2017, 11:07 AM.


                            • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post
                              And a lot more countries than that too I believe.

                              I'm not saying that ISIS do not have an anti-western philosophy that extends far beyond nations that were involved in the Iraq war. What I'm saying is that by invading Iraq and Libya, then not leaving a functioning society when we left, we have created the conditions required for ISIS to evolve and to recruit.

                              Look at Iraq and Libya today compared to before the wars. They've been levelled. Homes destroyed, no schools, no proper healthcare, no police, no government. The fundamentals of society left in ruins.

                              All of that is before you consider that everyone in Iraq and Libya have lost relatives in the conflict.

                              How can the West, and particular the US and the UK not be responsible in some part for the terror that we are seeing today?
                              I am not disputing any of that. But it still doesn't get away from the fact that plenty of countries have also been attacked by Jihadist terrorism that have had no involvement in the invasion of their lands. Yet above you said that it's related to directly after the 2003 invasion of Iraq and beyond.


                              • Originally posted by Stanley View Post
                                I am not disputing any of that. But it still doesn't get away from the fact that plenty of countries have also been attacked by Jihadist terrorism that have had no involvement in the invasion of their lands. Yet above you said that it's related to directly after the 2003 invasion of Iraq and beyond.
                                Well if we created the conditions that in turn created ISIS by going to war with Iraq in 2003, then of course it is directly related. If we hadn't have gone to war with Iraq, there would be no ISIS. And that's not even my opinion, that's hard fact!

