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Europe. In or out?

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  • Originally posted by gaza09 View Post
    You are also wrong to suggest EU legislation only accounts for 13% of our law as that is only taking into account EU directives that need UK parliament to pass it as UK law.

    If you also count EU regulations which apply automatically in all EU member countries—so all EU regulations can be said to be part of UK law the number rises to over 60%

    So maybe it's not Stanley who's fallen for propaganda but you, I would also suggest you should have a grasp on the facts before talking down to someone so dismissively.
    That's why I said Law (legislation) and not EU regulations (because it's the only Stat you can be sure is accurate due to the issues with regulations (and whether in practice they affect you or not). Yes EU regulations apply without UK parliamentary approval but the number that ACTUALLY affect is difficult to calculate and it's probably not 60%. In addition, many of those regulations are welcomed. I'm sure many are not, however.


    • Sorry what are you trying to tell me with that link?


      • Originally posted by Snaxo View Post
        That's why I said Law (legislation) and not EU regulations (because it's the only Stat you can be sure is accurate due to the issues with regulations (and whether in practice they affect you or not). Yes EU regulations apply without UK parliamentary approval but the number that ACTUALLY affect is difficult to calculate and it's probably not 60%. In addition, many of those regulations are welcomed. I'm sure many are not, however.
        Wouldn't you rather politicians we elected and whom are accountable to us to be the only people with legislative poweres in this country?
        I don't care if it's 13% or 60% one law is one to many.
        Anyway we don't have to worry about all this now as we're thankfully leaving 😄


        • Originally posted by gaza09 View Post
          Wouldn't you rather politicians we elected and whom are accountable to us to be the only people with legislative poweres in this country?
          I don't care if it's 13% or 60% one law is one to many.
          Anyway we don't have to worry about all this now as we're thankfully leaving ��
          Particularly with the collapse of the Leave leadership I suspect it will be a very 'soft Brexit.' Enough to pacify those who voted leave but no more.

          If we reach an agreement to stay in the single market we will continue to have to accept a lot of EU regulation as do others not in the EU proper.

          Immigration numbers will not be impacted greatly either which is something both sides seem to accept.

          As for being governed by those we elected I wouldn't trust those any more than the EU. Bunch of mongrels the lot of them. At least 'call me Dave' is going and Gove has shot himself in foot and Boris ruled himself out. If Farage really does crawl back to wherever he came from not a bad outcome really.


          • Originally posted by gaza09 View Post
            Wouldn't you rather politicians we elected and whom are accountable to us to be the only people with legislative poweres in this country?
            I don't care if it's 13% or 60% one law is one to many.
            Anyway we don't have to worry about all this now as we're thankfully leaving ��
            I'm not sure to be honest. Would I like far right UK politicians to have absolute control of our country (the like of Michael Gove FFS -not that I think he'll win the leadership) - actually, no I probably wouldn't to be honest. As FurtiveFox suggests - careful what you wish for basically. It's hard to imagine giving sole power to anyone worse than those currently lining up for it !

            BTW the previous link illustrates the process for decision making in the EU. The Commission does not make the policy - it puts it forward and the ELECTED members of the EU Parliament vote to go ahead with it - or to block it. As I said, originally.

            Also I agree with FurtiveFox. When we leave, it's going to be very soft.


            • Originally posted by Snaxo View Post
              I'm not sure to be honest. Would I like far right UK politicians to have absolute control of our country (the like of Michael Gove FFS -not that I think he'll win the leadership) - actually, no I probably wouldn't to be honest. As FurtiveFox suggests - careful what you wish for basically. It's hard to imagine giving sole power to anyone worse than those currently lining up for it !

              BTW the previous link illustrates the process for decision making in the EU. The Commission does not make the policy - it puts it forward and the ELECTED members of the EU Parliament vote to go ahead with it - or to block it. As I said, originally.

              Also I agree with FurtiveFox. When we leave, it's going to be very soft.
              Sorry, I stopped reading after you described Gove as far right, ridiculous statement.
              Also you better pray Andrea Leadsom doesn't win the Tory leadership race as the soft brexit you want will start to stiffen pretty quickly


              • Originally posted by FurtiveFox View Post
                Particularly with the collapse of the Leave leadership I suspect it will be a very 'soft Brexit.' Enough to pacify those who voted leave but no more.

                If we reach an agreement to stay in the single market we will continue to have to accept a lot of EU regulation as do others not in the EU proper.

                Immigration numbers will not be impacted greatly either which is something both sides seem to accept.

                As for being governed by those we elected I wouldn't trust those any more than the EU. Bunch of mongrels the lot of them. At least 'call me Dave' is going and Gove has shot himself in foot and Boris ruled himself out. If Farage really does crawl back to wherever he came from not a bad outcome really.
                Check back here later and I think you will find you are wrong. Other countries (Australia, NZ, India, Korea etc.) have already contacted the foreign office regarding a freedom of goods agreement. We own a Hyundai in the U.S. (we don't own a car here) and we find it to be a much better quality than European cars. Also the Lexus (part of Toyota) is more highly regarded than Audi, BMW etc.


                • Originally posted by gaza09 View Post
                  Sorry, I stopped reading after you described Gove as far right, ridiculous statement.
                  Also you better pray Andrea Leadsom doesn't win the Tory leadership race as the soft brexit you want will start to stiffen pretty quickly
                  Ridiculous statement....why ? Ok well he may not be quite as far to the right as old Boris, but he's certainly a lot more than many.


                  • Originally posted by Snaxo View Post
                    Ridiculous statement....why ? Ok well he may not be quite as far to the right as old Boris, but he's certainly a lot more than many.
                    You do understand what far-right means?
                    Neither Gove or Borris are far-right and it's silly to say they are
                    Last edited by gaza09; 05-07-2016, 07:00 PM.


                    • Originally posted by gaza09 View Post
                      Sorry, I stopped reading after you described Gove as far right, ridiculous statement.
                      Also you better pray Andrea Leadsom doesn't win the Tory leadership race as the soft brexit you want will start to stiffen pretty quickly
                      Good old Ken Clarke thinks Gove is far right. 'Wild' is how he describes him. This is brilliant, just out:

                      Last edited by Hubble; 05-07-2016, 07:00 PM.


                      • Originally posted by Hubble View Post
                        Good old Ken Clarke thinks Gove is far right. 'Wild' is how he describes him. This is brilliant, just out:

                        I saw that on sky earlier today, I thought it was extremely strange that Sky would be allowed to film them without their knowledge.
                        Very insightful in to the thinking of europhile Ken Clarke, he really doesn't like Gove.
                        Still wouldn't class Gove as far-right


                        • Can't have a soft exit. Would not only be a total betrayal of the majority that wanted out, but a complete dereliction of duty.

                          It looks like Theresa May will be the next PM and my prediction is that she will be one of the shortest serving in history if she turns out to be as weak as the last one and fails to deliver what we need, want and deserve.


                          • 100 pages and counting
                            I blew a lot on vodka and tonic, gambling and fags. Looking back, I think I overdid it on the tonic. - The one and only Stanley Bowles


                            • Originally posted by gaza09 View Post
                              You do understand what far-right means?
                              Neither Gove or Borris are far-right and it's silly to say they are
                              But they are on the right of the Tory party and would represent a disturbing trend in our politics, which indeed Brexit has done with much of the vote coming from the extremes of our society. Most moderates naturally went for the sensible safe option of remain. That's what we tend to do.I am trying hard to see the positives of Brexit - I honestly am, but it still seems crazy to me.


                              • Originally posted by brightonr View Post
                                Can't have a soft exit. Would not only be a total betrayal of the majority that wanted out, but a complete dereliction of duty.

                                It looks like Theresa May will be the next PM and my prediction is that she will be one of the shortest serving in history if she turns out to be as weak as the last one and fails to deliver what we need, want and deserve.
                                Our politicians have already betrayed us by allowing the referendum in the first place. What the prople wanted was a change for the better. If you honestly believe the Brexit vote was really about the EU I think you are kidding yourself. It was a protest against migration ( most of which is not from the EU) feeling unrepresented ( already shown by the rise in UKIP support) and resenting the wealth of other parts of the country and society. All very understandable . Just a shame we have to throw all our toys out of the pram as a result. General election please.

