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Europe. In or out?

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  • Theresa May, when talking about Boris Johnsons ability to negotiate with the eu, said the last deal she remembers him doing with the Germans was when he came back with 3 second hand water canons.
    Ouch !
    “He'll regret it till his dying day, if ever he lives that long”
    Will Danaher


    • Originally posted by Itsonlyagame View Post
      Theresa May, when talking about Boris Johnsons ability to negotiate with the eu, said the last deal she remembers him doing with the Germans was when he came back with 3 second hand water canons.
      Ouch !


      • A number of commentators are saying that Theresa May and Michael Gove will be chosen as the two candidates. Michael Gove will then pull out, Theresa May will become prime minister and he will be put in charge of the Brexit negotiations. This actually makes sense.


        • Originally posted by Snaxo View Post
          No one I know has made that assumption (not saying others haven't - can only speak as I find).
          In any case - Immigration always was a red herring and you won't see it change much - that much has already become clear post Brexit.
          I've been listening to the radio almost constantly over the last week and on Friday there was a never ending stream of people inferring it, along with how the old had ruined the futures of the younger generation and how ashamed they were to be British.

          You however, have been nothing short of rational and composed.

          Originally posted by Snaxo View Post
          The failure is on our Gov(s) to build up uk infrastructure to properly support it. They like to have their cake and eat it and somehow the EU is getting the blame!
          Have to agree with you there. I think what a lot of us believe is that once we have enough hospitals to look after the sick, enough schools for our children, enough homes for young people to have a chance in life etc., then we can ensure that we increase these along with the amount of immigrants we allow in. It might take time though. If the EU policy was to accept that different nations have different needs, worked with all members to ensure that those needs were attained quicker and accepted that restrictions were necessary to allow it to happen, then I think they would have a very different view of Britain and a referendum would never have been needed in the first place.


          • Originally posted by jmelanie View Post
            A number of commentators are saying that Theresa May and Michael Gove will be chosen as the two candidates. Michael Gove will then pull out, Theresa May will become prime minister and he will be put in charge of the Brexit negotiations. This actually makes sense.
            More sense than it would appear exists amongst the parliamentary labour party.

            Not sure I've ever seen anything like it.


            • Originally posted by brightonr View Post
              I've been listening to the radio almost constantly over the last week and on Friday there was a never ending stream of people inferring it, along with how the old had ruined the futures of the younger generation and how ashamed they were to be British.

              You however, have been nothing short of rational and composed.

              Have to agree with you there. I think what a lot of us believe is that once we have enough hospitals to look after the sick, enough schools for our children, enough homes for young people to have a chance in life etc., then we can ensure that we increase these along with the amount of immigrants we allow in. It might take time though. If the EU policy was to accept that different nations have different needs, worked with all members to ensure that those needs were attained quicker and accepted that restrictions were necessary to allow it to happen, then I think they would have a very different view of Britain and a referendum would never have been needed in the first place.
              Well I try. Sometimes my passion gets the better of me but I try to reason at least. I think there has been a stream of vitriol from both sides, it's unfortunate. It's when it gets personal that it becomes unacceptable.

              On your last point - yes but we really didn't need a referendum ;-) Or rather the Gov didn't give us one out of the goodness of their hearts because they thought we needed it. It only happened as Cameron was battling Eurosceptics in his party afraid that UKIP would take enough of the Tory vote to give Labour power, or to appease members of his party actually threatening to defect to UKIP because they wanted to push the anti-EU agenda. This is the only reason we had it in the first place.


              • Originally posted by brightonr View Post
                More sense than it would appear exists amongst the parliamentary labour party.

                Not sure I've ever seen anything like it.
                In fairness to the Labour MPs, most were pro remain and are frustrated at lack of their leaders visibility in campaign. Secondly, I really can't see the public voting in a left wing government. So, they also know now is the time to make your move. The members will say, but we vote for him and he shares out left wing views. But that won't get you elected.


                • Originally posted by Snaxo View Post
                  No one I know has made that assumption (not saying others haven't - can only speak as I find). We all have friends and often even family members that voted to leave - most of whom are not racist (in my case I know a couple - older generation - who most likely are though they would never openly admit it). However, those that are racist almost certainly voted to Leave - I mean that's fairly obvious.

                  In any case - Immigration always was a red herring and you won't see it change much - that much has already become clear post Brexit.
                  Be careful, on here, You're not allowed to say SOME of the leave campaign was racist!


                  • Whether people want to admit it or not and come out with the one liners of "they are playing the race card" , the whole attitude of "proud to be british" does tend to stem from a casual racist attitude. Most certainly more inherit within the older generation, as the younger generation has been bought up in a more excepting world, but it does exist.

                    This is by no means to state that everyone who voted out are racists as that most definitely isnt the case, but felt the vote out campaigners played on immigration when really this referendum was always far, far more than that.

                    Still now after the event when we are talking about our unstable economy, no actual leader to guide us through it, no farking idea about what will happen basically, are people still talking about immigration.

                    It seems Boris dont even want to pin his name to it anymore as he realizes its going to be a farking disaster.

                    Said from the start of all this, voting out wouldnt really have much impact on immigration anyway and i stand by that.

                    Still too early to see or feel the impact of this decision, but early signs arnt exactly great are they.


                    • Originally posted by Ramsey is god View Post
                      It seems Boris dont even want to pin his name to it anymore as he realizes its going to be a farking disaster.
                      Not sure that's the reason. Seems to be more to do with him realising his popularity has suffered, as well as Gove not backing him by deciding to run himself.


                      • Originally posted by James1979 View Post
                        Be careful, on here, You're not allowed to say SOME of the leave campaign was racist!
                        Of course you're allowed to say it on here because it's been blindingly obvious there's been a racist element amongst leave voters. You'd have to have not been following the news for the last week to hear some of the horrific stories being reported, or just not been out on the streets, trains, buses etc. Endless first hand accounts too. So yes, this is absolutely not a taboo subject even on this forum unless you've got your head buried deep in the sand. All we can hope for is that it's only a short-term reaction until things calm down again. You also have to have realise that huge numbers of people voted Leave for reasons nothing to do with immigration.


                        • I'd say Boris pulling out is more likely to be due to the dirt dishing that's been threatened by members of the Tory party that don't want him leading them.
                          Let's face it, who knows what's going on behind the scenes. An email sent in error by Goves missus ? all sounds a bit iffy to me. With all the threats to expose Boris's colourful private life, maybe he realised his goose was cooked and has stood aside to let Gove challenge May. She was in the remain camp and Boris isn't stupid. Fight a losing battle or stand aside to help A fellow pro brexiter win and be first in line for a top job if it comes off. Just a thought of course, who knows what's really going on. All very interesting though.
                          “He'll regret it till his dying day, if ever he lives that long”
                          Will Danaher


                          • This does not make fun reading :(

                            I guess this guy is clearly pro-Eu. Perhaps he's biased. I kinda hope so...!
                            Last edited by Snaxo; 30-06-2016, 05:52 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Snaxo View Post
                              ...or alternatively


                              • Feeling old as I complained to the bbc about their biased reporting today first time I have ever complained about anything even the ellerslie toilets ok by me ! How dare they show a fascist March which is what an anti democracy March is. Like Bob Dylan said times are a changing get used to it

