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Europe. In or out?

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  • Independence to Scotland!


    • I have enjoyed our discussions on this forum. We weren't expected to vote to leave. Leave were the underdogs. Hopefully the same thing will happen with our team in the upcoming season.


      • Wow, let the leap of faith begin. Dramatic news.
        And sorry to cheapen it but Brexit was 6-1 at about 5pm last night. Wish I had lumped on!


        • We've won
          I have supported Rangers for 55 seasons, since March 1969.


          • Originally posted by CroydonCaptainJack View Post
            Wow, let the leap of faith begin. Dramatic news.
            And sorry to cheapen it but Brexit was 6-1 at about 5pm last night. Wish I had lumped on!
            was 9/1 with PP around 4pm!

            I should have lumped on with the money I'm now losing due to the pound collapse.


            • What are the chances of Turkey not wanting to join the EU now?

              The other question, will DC do his best to put this country back on track, or will he mess things up to say "I told you so"?

              It will take a few years to put things in place but long term we'll be better off.

              Happy Independence Day everyone!


              • Let me be the first (or one of) to congratulate the Leavers. I truly hope that your faith in our future prosperity outside of Europe is well placed, and my fears are misplaced. I've enjoyed the lively discussion !

                You won't be surprised to hear of course that for me I feel very sad - it feels to me like a bleak day for the UK (which is now under threat itself as an entity) and Europe. However, as I say, if I'm hopefully wrong, I'll be the first to raise a glass to those who voted leave.

                Back to discussing something we can mostly unite on - our beloved Rangers!


                • We've won
                  I have supported Rangers for 55 seasons, since March 1969.


                  • Originally posted by Snaxo View Post
                    Let me be the first (or one of) to congratulate the Leavers. I truly hope that your faith in our future prosperity outside of Europe is well placed, and my fears are misplaced. I've enjoyed the lively discussion !

                    You won't be surprised to hear of course that for me I feel very sad - it feels to me like a bleak day for the UK (which is now under threat itself as an entity) and Europe. However, as I say, if I'm hopefully wrong, I'll be the first to raise a glass to those who voted leave.

                    Back to discussing something we can mostly unite on - our beloved Rangers!
                    Well said matey

                    Come u R's
                    I have supported Rangers for 55 seasons, since March 1969.


                    • As expected, an immediate tanking of share prices and the £ but I believe they will bounce back almost immediately whatever David Cameron says this morning. I think he has 2 options

                      - Resign, and an interim leader announced asap.
                      - Holds his hands up to say he accepts the public's decision and he will begin immediately on negotiating trade deals. We have a couple of years before anything will change and a lot can happen, but the wheels need to start turning now.

                      I voted out but I still believe we are better in - hopefully the EU now realises one of its biggest contributors is on its way out so if this doesn't give them the incentive for mass reform, then nothing will.


                      • Wait, what?

                        Nigel Farage has admitted that it was a "mistake" to promise that £350million a week would be spent on the NHS if the UK backed a Brexit vote.

                        Nigel Farage: £350 million pledge to fund the NHS was 'a mistake'

                        Nigel Farage has admitted that it was a "mistake" to promise that £350million a week would be spent on the NHS if the UK backed a Brexit vote.

                        Speaking just an hour after the Leave vote was confirmed the Ukip leader said the money could not be guaranteed and claimed he would never have made the promise in the first place.

                        The pledge was central to the official Vote Leave campaign and was controversially emblazoned on the side of the bus which shuttled Boris Johnson and Michael Gove around the country.
                        Last edited by Jeems; 24-06-2016, 07:57 AM.


                        • we are a great country, have faith
                          I must away now, I can no longer tarry
                          This morning's tempest I have to cross
                          I must be guided without a stumble
                          Into the arms I love the most


                          • I have to admit, I am a little stunned by this result, and also a little shocked by the deep divisions it has revealed in our society, but at the same time, I can't deny it's exciting to see actual democracy in action. Wow. What next I wonder?


                            • Get innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


                              • David Cameron resigns.

