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  • #46
    ####ing brilliant! I for one am very glad I voted for Sadiq Khan, and for all you non or ex-Londoners out there, let me tell you, London feels great after his election. Seriously. A kind of calm and peace has prevailed. Goldsmith waged an election based on smears, fear and scaremongering and it got rejected, wholeheartedly, by the people of London. What does that tell you? It tells you something bloody fantastic, that Londoners make up their own minds and are not influenced by mud-slinging. And lets not forget, while we debate this, that the very same 'extremist' that Sadiq Khan was supposed to associate with associated with Goldsmith too! That's right folks:

    "Zac Goldsmith's attacks against Sadiq Khan for "giving cover" to extremists backfired yesterday after it was revealed that Goldsmith had also supported one of the key figures the Tories had condemned Khan for associating with."

    And here's an article with a picture of him with said Suliman Gani: http://www.politics.co.uk/blogs/2016...e-cover-to-ext

    So lets have a bit of sense here instead of all this right-wing media inflamed nonsense. Or otherwise, by the very logic of the smear campaign, you must agree that Zac Goldsmith is an extremist too.


    • #47
      Fair post Hubbs. The media have us all fooled

      Should remind myself not to read the press. It's a crock of shite.

