Dear fellow Hoops
My brother Richard a 58 year long and unshakeable adherent to the cause shuffled of this mortal coil on the 20th Septenber aged 72 . He will be laid to rest on 5th October in Harlow. He wil be dressed in the Hoops shirt ( de rigueur) and his other blue and white accoutrements ( including the Hoop mug - no jokes about QPR mugs please - we leave that to the ungodly) will accompany him on his journey to eternity. The inside of the coffin will be blue and white and the service sheet will carry the Hoops logo.
I am sure all of us with blood type blue and white hoop will be very chuffed
Thanks for taking te time to read this
You Rs
My brother Richard a 58 year long and unshakeable adherent to the cause shuffled of this mortal coil on the 20th Septenber aged 72 . He will be laid to rest on 5th October in Harlow. He wil be dressed in the Hoops shirt ( de rigueur) and his other blue and white accoutrements ( including the Hoop mug - no jokes about QPR mugs please - we leave that to the ungodly) will accompany him on his journey to eternity. The inside of the coffin will be blue and white and the service sheet will carry the Hoops logo.
I am sure all of us with blood type blue and white hoop will be very chuffed
Thanks for taking te time to read this
You Rs