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On my way home

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  • #16
    A truly shocking performance leaving me thinking what a shallow victory it was. Seriously considering if the long trek is worth it sometimes when it is becoming so predictable to watch. To compound things, the train home stopped at Salisbury and due to flooding those going on to Axminster had to be taken by cab and I had to share it with a Gooner, a Cardiff and a Leicester fan for 2 bleedin' hours ... a journey which included having to turn around in a country lane due to a Polish driver reversing his artic for 2 miles! Still, football is a very forgiving thing and I'll probably be refreshed to soldier on in a few weeks time ...
    I must away now, I can no longer tarry
    This morning's tempest I have to cross
    I must be guided without a stumble
    Into the arms I love the most

