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when will fans "reclaim the game"

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  • when will fans "reclaim the game"

    in all honesty , many fans get treated very poorly
    even our beloved r's moved long standing fans from the lower loft to create a "family stand" (whooopee)
    we know of stories about fans turned back, filmed etc
    but why do we take it? why do we pay the prices?
    bundesliga charge maybe athird less than the prem lge...evening standard had a big spread on dortmund, top price is £19.50p
    bayern do a season tkt for £99!!!
    modern fab stadia for that?? with top stars. top teams, standing and also cheap beer
    we need to ask where the money goes in our game..i suspect too much to agents
    and players. before the hillsboro recent decision to have a inquiry i complained of palace padlocking metal exit gates! a stand with wooden seats too...
    is this acceptable ? the game should have invested in the infrastructure before making players multi-millionaires imo
    many stadia have improved "on paper" but does having a ground miles from a stn really make life easy for fans? yep not all fans wreck towns like millwall back in 85..thats 85, when has there been any major disorder like that?
    the football supporters federation have many campaigns for fans,, the "twentys plenty" is one that needs all our support
    i see on many mbs fans moaning, how many take it further? we have a voice
    see bayern fans tonight at arsenal..standing, with large flags, bouncing and stewards doing jack...we went there and were "made" to sit and basically shut up or be ejected! or did we swallow it?

  • #2
    Top post!

    Football Supporters Federation is a fantastic organization.

    Unfortunately, so long as apathy prevails, nothing will change.
    'Only a Ranger!' cried Gandalf. 'My dear Frodo, that is just what the Rangers are: the last remnant in the South of the great people, the Men of West London.' - Lord of the Rings, Book II, Chapter I - Many Meetings.


    • #3
      Originally posted by dsqpr View Post
      Top post!

      Football Supporters Federation is a fantastic organization.

      Unfortunately, so long as apathy prevails, nothing will change.
      Yeah mate, the trouble in this country things have to get to a breaking point before people really take a stand.

      Too many willing to roll over and have their tummy tickled.


      • #4
        Very good OP, it is bizarre how much we pay in this country, especially when the football we watch is not exceptional. Big clubs are on the whole relying on old players to tick over, Liverpool are simply a glorified Villa. Arsenal are Blackpool in disguise.

        I pay just over 700 for my gold and this season I cannot remember one home game, that's how poor the football is apart from Suarez I thought he was good and awoken me out of my slumber.

        Clubs in this country are poorly run and need to be regulated similar to gas and water companies, not ideal but an independent body that can regulate prices. My ticket should be no more than 399, if that.

        In Germany the winners of the league get about half from tv revenue as we do here and significantly less than next year when our tv money rockets but we still pay significantly higher ticket prices, doesn't make sense.

        I know people will say the market dictates blah blah blah but apart from the argument that football shouldn't be seen as a commodity, the other argument is banks were given a free run and completely messed up because they were poorly run, football clubs appear to be run no better, so for the food of everyone regulation would be a good thing and hopefully going to football can become a pleasure and a feeling of togetherness that the germans appear to have rather than the rip off it is now for us.
        Last edited by TBLOCKRANGER; 20-02-2013, 09:59 AM.


        • #5
          Not to mention the flare(s) as well. Have home crowd ones ever been seen?


          • #6
            i read somewhere that german clubs must be 50% owned by the fans? i think.... im guessing there is more govt support and i think revenues are spread evenly across all clubs in the league.
            its a different financial model and would need a revolution in the english leagues.


            • #7
              Originally posted by QPR71 View Post
              i read somewhere that german clubs must be 50% owned by the fans? i think.... im guessing there is more govt support and i think revenues are spread evenly across all clubs in the league.
              its a different financial model and would need a revolution in the english leagues.
              Yep most bundes clubs are fan owned .


              • #8
                I have mentioned in lots of posts over time how I think Germany have got it so right. I think there was a view that by making fans for the football it stopped them being competitive in the Champions League - well that myth has been put to bed.

                It was also thought that Bayern would simply domintae. Well looking at the last 10 years puts that myth to bed too as there have been about 7 winners IIRC and a team that has not won but come 2nd a couple of times, so far more competitive than the PL.

                Also - you get free city travel with a valid football ticket in most cities, so the value is absolutely out of this world.

                Football is going the same way as the bank industry - where total and uncontrolled greed are destroying it from the inside. However, there will be no tax payers bail out for football.
                Last edited by silvercue; 21-02-2013, 11:11 AM.
                twitter @silvercue



                • #9
                  Originally posted by themodfather View Post
                  in all honesty , many fans get treated very poorly
                  even our beloved r's moved long standing fans from the lower loft to create a "family stand" (whooopee)
                  we know of stories about fans turned back, filmed etc
                  but why do we take it? why do we pay the prices?
                  bundesliga charge maybe athird less than the prem lge...evening standard had a big spread on dortmund, top price is £19.50p
                  bayern do a season tkt for £99!!!
                  modern fab stadia for that?? with top stars. top teams, standing and also cheap beer
                  we need to ask where the money goes in our game..i suspect too much to agents
                  and players. before the hillsboro recent decision to have a inquiry i complained of palace padlocking metal exit gates! a stand with wooden seats too...
                  is this acceptable ? the game should have invested in the infrastructure before making players multi-millionaires imo
                  many stadia have improved "on paper" but does having a ground miles from a stn really make life easy for fans? yep not all fans wreck towns like millwall back in 85..thats 85, when has there been any major disorder like that?
                  the football supporters federation have many campaigns for fans,, the "twentys plenty" is one that needs all our support
                  i see on many mbs fans moaning, how many take it further? we have a voice
                  see bayern fans tonight at arsenal..standing, with large flags, bouncing and stewards doing jack...we went there and were "made" to sit and basically shut up or be ejected! or did we swallow it?
                  I think the penny is starting to drop with lots of fans, especially now with the Bundesliga looking like its the place to be, with great football, cheap tickets, free travel, fantastic stadiums, standing, affordable food and drink, beers, no over zealous police and stewards, etc, etc.

                  I think that football is at a cross roads with many going to say enough is enough when it comes to renewing St's and this is only going to accelerate with TV and radio constantly highlighting how good Herman has it compared to how bad we have it, highlighting exactly what is wrong with English football and why it will implode in the years to come.


                  • #10
                    Then there's the match fixing that has destroyed cred in some far eastern leagues where its possible to bet £2-300,000 in illegal asian betting without it being noticed. The public turned their backs on football there because of no trust in the way games were being manipulated. Italy was one league too, close to home and there's quite a worry about it by fifa. Was on 5 live yesterday afternoon.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by silvercue View Post
                      I have mentioned in lots of posts over time how I think Germany have got it so right. I think there was a view that by making fans for the football it stopped them being competitive in the Champions League - well that myth has been put to bed.

                      It was also thought that Bayern would simply domintae. Well looking at the last 10 years puts that myth to bed too as there have been about 7 winners IIRC and a team that has not won but come 2nd a couple of times, so far more competitive than the PL.

                      Also - you get free city travel with a valid football ticket in most cities, so the value is absolutely out of this world.

                      Football is going the same way as the bank industry - where total and uncontrolled greed are destroying it from the inside. However, there will be no tax payers bail out for football.

                      Couldnt have put it better myself. Even have a look at how much some of the league 1 and 2 clubs are charging, you could go and watch a bundesliga game for that. the last time I watched bundesliga a season ago i paid 14 euros for my ticket in the standing section, and that was off a tout!!


                      • #12
                        we live in the most taxed and costly country in europe bar a few.....no surprises football clubs rip the r's off us.....the british public are treated with contempt!
                        you know nothing john snow!!!!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Factamondo View Post
                          we live in the most taxed and costly country in europe bar a few.....no surprises football clubs rip the r's off us.....the british public are treated with contempt!
                          .....because we allow it to happen. We are the people that vote in those that make decisions and don't stand firm against regulations that hold us back. We have the most PC gone mad, rip off and don't complian culture in the whole world.
                          twitter @silvercue



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by silvercue View Post
                            .....because we allow it to happen. We are the people that vote in those that make decisions and don't stand firm against regulations that hold us back. We have the most PC gone mad, rip off and don't complian culture in the whole world.
                            its something that has been bred into our DNA, weve been conditioned to believe complain is embarrassing and to show a stiff upper lip and take it on the chin. If you go through british history and compare it others there have been maybe a handful of incidents (luddites etc) when the general public has rebelled against the powers that be. When the french and greeks over turn cars and set them on fire its perceived as political in nature whereas over here it is portrayed as a mindless action perpetrated by individuals who have no grievances.


                            • #15
                              we need an uprising and nationwide refusal to work one week!
                              you know nothing john snow!!!!

