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Nelsen leaving to... /merged/

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  • #61
    Originally posted by stainrodisalegend View Post
    Strange things football contracts. Players are apparently still able to earn £65,000 a week while feigning injuries but players can opt out of contracts half way through because they fancy a new challenge in America.
    Yeah exactly, we have been shafted on numerous occasions in recent years by various players(Vine, Agyemang, Bosingwa) hanging on to their lucrative contracts to help themselves to our money, but the one occasion we need someone to honour their signed contract to help us out of a situation that could have very serious re-percussions if we go down, we just rollover and them walk!

    Nothing against Ryan at all as he has given everything, but we need to be diplomatic and try and find a solution that allows him to leave at the end of the season, and still have the role in the States.


    • #62
      Originally posted by THE CAT View Post
      Yeah exactly, we have been shafted on numerous occasions in recent years by various players(Vine, Agyemang, Bosingwa) hanging on to their lucrative contracts to help themselves to our money, but the one occasion we need someone to honour their signed contract to help us out of a situation that could have very serious re-percussions if we go down, we just rollover and them walk!

      Nothing against Ryan at all as he has given everything, but we need to be diplomatic and try and find a solution that allows him to leave at the end of the season, and still have the role in the States.

      Agreed. I fear that the goalkeepers will miss him aswell. Now that we have a quite settled defence sorted(cough,cough), this was bad news.
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      • #63
        Thought you might find this interesting from the US perspective.


        • #64
          Thanks for putting this up, Janemelanie. A good read.
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          • #65
            Most sense I've ever read from a Y@nk:

            "According to the Daily Mail, the English paper renowned across the world for making up transfer rumors that have no basis in reality...."

            You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.


            • #66
              If only we could get Nelsen not to go!!! Let's start a protest!! Picketing. Online petition. Whatever it takes! Hehe.


              • #67
                Word has just come out at my local club (Toronto FC) that Nelson has in fact been hired to replace Paul Mariner as head coach, I don't like this move for either team as we need him at QPR on the pitch and he has no coaching experience! This link I am providing is a very reliable source!



                • #68
                  Hope we have someone good lined up to replace him


                  • #69
                    story seems to be gathering some momentum.
                    twitter @silvercue



                    • #70
                      Really shows just how poor Hughes signings were that we're so concerned about a defender brought in to be a squad player...


                      • #71
                        Bah, we won't even have him for the Spud's then? Just when we need to keep our momentum going...


                        • #72
                          Doesn't he need some sort of license or experience to take on the job of coach/manager. Also his wife is American so I assume that he had no problems working in the US but I believe he will need a visa for Canada. As he has no experience in coaching, won't he find this difficult? The article says that he is retiring. How does this leave him with the New Zealand national team. He has always said that he wants to play with them until the next world cup.

                          As "gator" says I don't think this is a good decision either for Toronto or QPR and in the end I don't think it will work for Nelsen.

                          Also will Toronto have to pay compensation to QPR because he is leaving before the end of the season?
                          Last edited by jmelanie; 07-01-2013, 09:40 PM.


                          • #73
                            Seems to be done and dusted.


                            • #74
                              Yeah the news are all over MLS.com as well now ...... ****


                              • #75
                                He's apparently gone. Is our POTY... Will he still be POTY come May?

