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Harry's telling the truth

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  • #31
    Originally posted by stainrodisalegend View Post
    i do hope none of the fans now complaining about the money we spent were among all those on here saying "ffs get your chequebook out" at the time...
    Nope. And there is a difference between spending some money and paying players more than one of the biggest teams in the country that have had Champions League money coming in. If you have to pay players ridiculous amounts as the only reason to get them here - they are never going to perform as they are here for the wrong reasons.
    twitter @silvercue



    • #32
      surely if you got players who are obviously not bothered or putting in any effort there is justified cause to rip up their contracts
      Last edited by lymehoop; 22-12-2012, 09:45 PM.
      I must away now, I can no longer tarry
      This morning's tempest I have to cross
      I must be guided without a stumble
      Into the arms I love the most


      • #33
        Originally posted by lymehoop View Post
        surely if you got players who are obviously not bothered or putting in any effort there is justified cause to rip up their ontracts
        If the club are stupid enough to be paying a load of players more than anyone at Spurs - they are probably stupid enough to have not written up water tight contracts.

        I think we are assuming Harry is talking about Bosingwa as we know there has been a fine there - but I am sure he isn't our highest earner.
        twitter @silvercue



        • #34
          I'm disgusted with how many wronguns we've got at the club and the amount of money there thieving off us every week. I really hate the way we've gone about things since we've been in the prem.


          • #35
            Originally posted by QPR Rickson View Post
            I'm disgusted with how many wronguns we've got at the club and the amount of money there thieving off us every week. I really hate the way we've gone about things since we've been in the prem.
            Definitely, it is obvious what Harry is trying to do by stating publicly that some of these wasters aren't worth their massive salaries, but the thing is that they really, really don't care, so won't feel any guilt or humiliation by this. They will just be laughing to themselves that they are guaranteed between £40-£70k a week for a minimum of the next 2 years.


            • #36
              Ok for him to berate players on stupid wages offered by the club, but I'm sure he didn't complain or hesitate to sign his own contract, which I'm sure is over the odds also.

              I would then say he massively underperformed in his role today with some ridiculouys decisions. The worst being Anton at RB when we couldve played Fabio or Onouha. Anton can't even play well at CB ffs!

              Also why change a winning team if no injuries when they would've been bouyant?

              Have a look at yourself Harry!
              Last edited by Del; 22-12-2012, 11:10 PM.


              • #37
                I've said all along it has been the players and not the manager who have got us into the position we are in. I don't care how much they're paid if only they looked like they could give a phuck.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Del View Post
                  Ok for him to berate players on stupid wages offered by the club, but I'm sure he didn't complain or hesitate to sign his own contract, which I'm sure is over the odds also.

                  I would then say he massively underperformed in his role today with some ridiculouys decisions. The worst being Anton at RB when we couldve played Fabio or Onouha. Anton can't even play well at CB ffs!

                  Also why change a winning team if no injuries when they would've been bouyant?

                  Have a look at yourself Harry!
                  today was an off day for Harry, if of course Harry is to be blamed for today - not so sure. One off day in five - we all have "bad days at the office", dont we??? And so the Harry bashing has started after first defeat under his regime!!!!!!


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Stanley76 View Post
                    That doesnt matter. The point is it what he said needed saying. His hands are tied until January so he just has to get what he can out of the current crop until then.
                    'Only a Ranger!' cried Gandalf. 'My dear Frodo, that is just what the Rangers are: the last remnant in the South of the great people, the Men of West London.' - Lord of the Rings, Book II, Chapter I - Many Meetings.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by twranger View Post
                      today was an off day for Harry, if of course Harry is to be blamed for today - not so sure. One off day in five - we all have "bad days at the office", dont we??? And so the Harry bashing has started after first defeat under his regime!!!!!!
                      Hardly Harry bashing. But when he makes a ludicrous decision such as playing Anton fb is he beyond criticism...??? Don't be so prescious.

                      The main point is I find it rather hypocritical for him to slate players on huge money when I'm sure he is too.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Del View Post
                        Hardly Harry bashing. But when he makes a ludicrous decision such as playing Anton fb is he beyond criticism...??? Don't be so prescious.

                        The main point is I find it rather hypocritical for him to slate players on huge money when I'm sure he is too.
                        That ludicrous decision to play Anton at FB was forced on him by injuries and knocks...apparantly! Do you really believe a manager of Harry's calibre would choose to play anton at FB without his hand being forced by injuries to more suitable players?
                        Prescious? Why?


                        • #42

                          It should not be forgotten who is responsible for the signings. A CEO will take advice from his manager or technical director cos this is what they are paid for. They should find a way to set a precedent and sue Hughes for every penny he is worth and then maybe those talent limited managers would be a little more cautious when spending the owners money on trophy has beens.

                          It is about time someone put these strutting prima donnas in their place and that is not just at QPR. Premiership wages are close to obscene and clearly gate revenues are not able to support these type of salaries at QPR, so before knocking the board for their indulgence in Hughes, think on who is actually funding players like Boswinga?

                          Hughes should be pilloried in the press as a wake up call to the industry of football-at 65 Harry no longer needs to brown nose anyone and says it as it is.

                          Maybe one last change was needed today to confirm who is going to be shipped out in Jan.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by twranger View Post
                            That ludicrous decision to play Anton at FB was forced on him by injuries and knocks...apparantly! Do you really believe a manager of Harry's calibre would choose to play anton at FB without his hand being forced by injuries to more suitable players?
                            Prescious? Why?
                            I thinkk you give him too much credit. He mentioned nothing about injuries to those players whatsoever. I think it more likely he's still trying different ideas, or at best had an eye on the games coming up. Eitehr way Onouha hardly been playing loads of football recently so surely could've played again. He messed up, accept it.


                            • #44
                              Here's hoping that the b@stard responsible for our plight gets what's coming to him.....

                              Harry Redknapp has launched a blistering attack on some of the players he inherited from his predecessor at Queens Park Rangers, Mark Hughes.

                              Full Story:
                              Harry Redknapp has launched a blistering attack on some of the players he inherited from his predecessor at Queens Park Rangers, Mark Hughes.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Del View Post
                                I thinkk you give him too much credit. He mentioned nothing about injuries to those players whatsoever.
                                Del youre wrong there. He certainly did mention it. Traore and Onuoha had knocks so he was forced to play Anton at RB.

