To me the problem is that although we do have some very talanted players we do not play as a team. Too many times players want to do too much on their own. Teams like Forest and the others we have played so far do not have the quality in mid-field that we have, but they play as a unit, which is much more effective. It is ok doing fancy flicks and nut-megs but it does not win games. We need to play a more pass and move game. The only time we have played that way this season was in the second half against Bristol City, and we dominated the game completely. Surely that is the way forward.
To me the problem is that although we do have some very talanted players we do not play as a team. Too many times players want to do too much on their own. Teams like Forest and the others we have played so far do not have the quality in mid-field that we have, but they play as a unit, which is much more effective. It is ok doing fancy flicks and nut-megs but it does not win games. We need to play a more pass and move game. The only time we have played that way this season was in the second half against Bristol City, and we dominated the game completely. Surely that is the way forward.