let me go
cause I dont love you anymore
YOU WONT SPEND MONEY on someone who can score
youve turned jim gregories dream into a bore
to waste my life would be a sin
youve got no idea where do I begin
he was at harrow wealstone and wanted to come in
45 thousand pounds to get out of the sin bin
release me my rangers let me go
somewhee in my sub concous mind i know
youve conned me along lifes sacred path
your twisted sense of humour your having a laugh
you taken my dreams and raped my brain
all thats left of gregories dream is a stain
youve humiliated my broken pride
and put this pepperoni in my side
cause I dont love you anymore
YOU WONT SPEND MONEY on someone who can score
youve turned jim gregories dream into a bore
to waste my life would be a sin
youve got no idea where do I begin
he was at harrow wealstone and wanted to come in
45 thousand pounds to get out of the sin bin
release me my rangers let me go
somewhee in my sub concous mind i know
youve conned me along lifes sacred path
your twisted sense of humour your having a laugh
you taken my dreams and raped my brain
all thats left of gregories dream is a stain
youve humiliated my broken pride
and put this pepperoni in my side