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Dismantling my QPR ideal

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  • Dismantling my QPR ideal

    QPR blogger Roller returns to LFW, concerned about the shifting dynamics of the club he loves and its support base.


  • #2
    A Good article.

    I hope Tony Fernandes reads it, with our without rose tinted glasses on. Nor should people "in the bush" or elsewhere who suffered when QPR struggled finacially both on and off the pitch wear them . My concrete hope for the nearest future is that Fernandes will buy QPR a few homeground(Even talented QPR youngsters should be given a chance if possible) players in order to strengthen the local English identy. IMO,thatīs of paramount importance If QPR for the future will keep itīs identy as a family-club and not end up like an videly branded "boutique". It could verY well be that I have just written a piece of "sentimentalism" here but this is the way I look at it.
    Last edited by Shania; 13-10-2012, 11:45 AM.
    Best team in the world
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    • #3
      i think he`s made some very valid points, ive always explained to my kids, that Rangers are a very special thing that trancends merely winning football matches, and we are the chosen ones, other fans of top clubs could never understand.
      Rangers,Scooters ,Tunes and Trainers


      • #4
        One could be tempted to suggest a new name; QPR-W12!! Not the best of suggestions, but anyway. what I see as important is that Fernandes sits down with his staff and discuss all matters concerning local identy, just as thoroughly as he has done it on the branding side of "the product"
        Last edited by Shania; 13-10-2012, 04:16 PM. Reason: Jeezes, Where is my brain.
        Best team in the world
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        • #5
          I think the Lam Eng Rubber stadium will be magnificent.


          • #6
            Course you could look at it the other way and give new fans a chance to learn about the club, I'd imagine most new fans would be children so they can't know of all our past players, or events that have gone on straight away. I certainly don't want to see Tony Fernandes criticised for trying to build success, bloody hell it would be lovely to have fortune on our side for a change than as the blogger says being ambushed by misfortune everytime we were on the brink of winning/achieving something.


            • #7
              Well, we've been on the brink of bankruptcy on several occasions, almost seen our club merged, suffered several relegations, been on the verge of several more, seen our club floated on the stock exchange, and seen our money vanish in the process. I say it's about time we had some good fortune and an opportunity for our club to grow.

              We all love QPR and it's only right we spread that love to the unwashed masses
              Supporting QPR isn't just about a football team. It's about roots and identity.


              • #8
                Originally posted by QPRDave View Post
                Course you could look at it the other way and give new fans a chance to learn about the club, I'd imagine most new fans would be children so they can't know of all our past players, or events that have gone on straight away. I certainly don't want to see Tony Fernandes criticised for trying to build success, bloody hell it would be lovely to have fortune on our side for a change than as the blogger says being ambushed by misfortune everytime we were on the brink of winning/achieving something.
                Best team in the world
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                • #9
                  If we follow the Fulham model, I am fine, if we go the Chelsea way, I do not think that would be good.


                  • #10
                    I hate this sentimental nonsense about football. Similar to that awful Nick Hornby book where somehow loving football and your club was no longer something you chatted with your mates in a pub but became something that could be serialised similar to what women do with their hobbies and loves like sex and the city or chick flicks etc. Words like "ideal" have no place in football IMHO. Family, health, security etc are proper important, football is something to be enjoyed but to somehow make your club to be some nirvana is pretty boring.
                    For most blokes you try to keep your job to keep a roof over your family's head and to keep the electricity on and your Doris sweet. Thats your ideal. If this can be achieved then you are pardoned by your Missus to get on it early with your mates to watch the rangers, a club you were brought up with. It's a laugh and you win or lose, 5k turn up or 18200 turn up, you don't care because this is your club. End off it's not that complicated unless you have nothing else to think about.


                    • #11
                      the game rolls on, you cant hold back the years. you cant get huge and stay intimate. its a game of success or theres not much point to the game.
                      new fans essential to stay in the game. a fan is what they are for as long as they want it and during that time add their bit to revenue and exposure.
                      rather be battling bayern, real juve etc than s****horpe.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by QPR71 View Post
                        the game rolls on, you cant hold back the years. you cant get huge and stay intimate. its a game of success or theres not much point to the game.
                        new fans essential to stay in the game. a fan is what they are for as long as they want it and during that time add their bit to revenue and exposure.
                        rather be battling bayern, real juve etc than s****horpe.
                        Never knew S****horpe had the word **** in it, makes sense now

