Dave - You and I rarely see eye to eye and I find a lot of what you post to be deliberately contentious, just for the sake of it. Maybe it's just the way you write it and the way I interpret it? I say that because your stance on this topic accords exactly with mine and suggests I have misunderstood your sense of humour in the past? I echo what you posted and congratulate you on it.
Halsey is entitled to go on Twitter without fear of encountering this sort of vile abuse. He didn't and doesn't use Twitter anyway and it was drawn to his attention, but even so, what has a decision he made on the pitch got to do with anything these people have posted. Sheer and utter evil are these people. And as for those saying man up about it, seriously, the lack of humanity in that statement just defies belief.
Halsey is entitled to go on Twitter without fear of encountering this sort of vile abuse. He didn't and doesn't use Twitter anyway and it was drawn to his attention, but even so, what has a decision he made on the pitch got to do with anything these people have posted. Sheer and utter evil are these people. And as for those saying man up about it, seriously, the lack of humanity in that statement just defies belief.