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Norfolk Jealously

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  • #16
    Im actually bored of reading the rubbish on other forums... If they are not bothered about us then why talk about us?


    • #17
      quality, you've got to love 'nutty nigel'

      is it just me or does anyone else find people who announce themselves as wacky or nutty find they invariably turn out to be crashing bores devoid of wit or wisdom, predictable dullards only capable of sarcasm or patronising remarks?

      just me then..
      I don't care about morals 'cause the world's insane and we're all to blame anyway


      • #18
        Originally posted by Mellowhoop View Post
        Im actually bored of reading the rubbish on other forums... If they are not bothered about us then why talk about us?
        yeah exactly mellow


        • #19
          The stronger we get the harder it is for others to remain in the division. We are removing the possibility of points being taken off us to help others survive.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Dazzer1977 View Post
            QUOTE OF THE WEEK:
            We're in London, the hub of the entire nation, a place where the likes of Granero want to come and live, you're in Norwich and half your fans are Amish.

            I sat near a Norwich fan the other week and the mess on the floor around him was horrible. There was finger nails everywhere. Never realised the mess you could make by biting 10 fingers and two thumbs.
            Brilliant ! all these fans of clubs Norwich,Sheepshaggers Stjoke Fake hoops are just envious of what we are doing! I dont know why we're bothered, cant hear them spouting about the amount of money WHU sunderland Southampton are spending they're just worried they are being left behind and can't compete and l almost certainly some of these will be relegated.


            • #21
              Why would anyone be envious of us, 1 point from 5 games, escellating wage bill, Pompey in the making, scatter gun transfer policy, live soap opera, agents wet dream. Would I have it any other way. Never, rangers till I die. Who gives a **** what anyone other club thinks.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Brooksie View Post
                Why would anyone be envious of us, 1 point from 5 games, escellating wage bill, Pompey in the making, scatter gun transfer policy, live soap opera, agents wet dream. Would I have it any other way. Never, rangers till I die. Who gives a **** what anyone other club thinks.
                Yes, good shout...agreed!


                • #23
                  My summery of this is

                  Crap support= well Norwich sell out because the inbreds ony have 1 taeam in the county to go and watch not 3 prem teams in one what 8 mile area.
                  Crap ground= ####ing true
                  throwing money= who knows what wages we are paying ,the Qpr fans dont,the man in the street dont so how the hell do they?
                  Overpaid journeymen=they would love to sign some of our players as id love a few of Swanseas,wouldnt want any except there GK from Norwich.They are jealous as moaning over going for Craig Mackel Smith.

                  In summery,this is the Prem,not the Champs,not Div 1.You have to buy quality,rack n stack and pay silly money and its ok saying they are stable,tight ship etc,but they wont last many seasons doing that.Yes our stratedgy could back fire but our owners are giving it a go not making recipes.And as for the Jacks,we own our shite ground dont pay rent to the council like them ####ers do.Own rent Mmmmm
                  Chelmsford City the home of Radio


                  • #24
                    Change of subject... Fulham not happy with SSN tonight.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Gtleighsr3 View Post
                      My summery of this is

                      Crap support= well Norwich sell out because the inbreds ony have 1 taeam in the county to go and watch not 3 prem teams in one what 8 mile area.
                      Crap ground= ####ing true
                      throwing money= who knows what wages we are paying ,the Qpr fans dont,the man in the street dont so how the hell do they?
                      Overpaid journeymen=they would love to sign some of our players as id love a few of Swanseas,wouldnt want any except there GK from Norwich.They are jealous as moaning over going for Craig Mackel Smith.

                      In summery,this is the Prem,not the Champs,not Div 1.You have to buy quality,rack n stack and pay silly money and its ok saying they are stable,tight ship etc,but they wont last many seasons doing that.Yes our stratedgy could back fire but our owners are giving it a go not making recipes.And as for the Jacks,we own our shite ground dont pay rent to the council like them ####ers do.Own rent Mmmmm
                      Good reply mate.

                      Originally posted by MYU View Post
                      Change of subject... Fulham not happy with SSN tonight.

                      These Fools need to realise the only people interested in them is them


                      • #26
                        Yet you lot start a thread on us...hmm?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Wiz View Post
                          Yet you lot start a thread on us...hmm?
                          What do you feel is more important Wiz: length or girth?
                          You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Wiz View Post
                            That was me James.

                            I also said:

                            ''I can't bring myself to dislike QPR, good luck to them, however ruddy 5p in the pound Ip5wich!..........''
                            Wiz is hated over their I lurk often he gets some real stick lol.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Wiz View Post
                              Yet you lot start a thread on us...hmm?
                              not just you matey, Fulham are obsessed about here as well....you're all inbreds and Fulham are all posh......apparently!
                              Not that we're into stereotypes at all you understand!:drunk:


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Wiz View Post
                                Yet you lot start a thread on us...hmm?
                                As opposed to about half a dozen on your board, if you don't like it........................

