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korean support

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  • korean support

    For the last 3 weeks i have been getting up and tuning into watrb website to find many posts and new threads created by fans from korea each morning.

    funny how as soon as we lose these so called supporters have dissapeard off the radar.

    onto a side not. this saturday cant come soon enough. have plenty of high hopes for a good result, even if the lampost is in goal again.

    also not surprised to see a warnock vs hughes thread comparing the two has been started. thought that descussing was done after we beat liverpool and arsenal and tottenham late last season.

    anyway, 17th place is all we need to achieve so keep your heads up, put a smile on your faces and dont let your dogs stop near any lamposts just in case green gets pis.sed on.

    you r'ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
    nsa/cia spy on this..............┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐

  • #2
    They are still posting.
    Banning people is no longer my hobby,
    but take a look at my photo blog:


    How and why did I start supporting QPR in Estonia:


    • #3
      Couldn't move for Koreans down the Bush on saturday they were everywhere!!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Essexsteve View Post
        Couldn't move for Koreans down the Bush on saturday they were everywhere!!
        Yep. Nothing against it at all, glad we are attracting new fans, but I did see 1 in a Man Utd shirt and another in a Real Madrid shirt... :strive:
        You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.


        • #5
          Cant find the twitter thread so i will post it here.

          Talks broken down between bristol city and d campbel
          nsa/cia spy on this..............┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐


          • #6
            Had 2 rows of them in front of me Saturday, 2 with tablets taking panoramic shots of the ground, the away fans and themselves. They must of taken hundreds of pictures of Park during the game. It was like they were all there only to support J S Park and not QPR.
            I blew a lot on vodka and tonic, gambling and fags. Looking back, I think I overdid it on the tonic. - The one and only Stanley Bowles


            • #7
              Originally posted by MattyRangers View Post
              Yep. Nothing against it at all, glad we are attracting new fans, but I did see 1 in a Man Utd shirt and another in a Real Madrid shirt... :strive:
              There was a Korean lad sat near me with a Man Utd JSP shirt on. He copped some stick from the Swansea fans!
              Supporting QPR isn't just about a football team. It's about roots and identity.


              • #8
                Originally posted by MattyRangers View Post
                Yep. Nothing against it at all, glad we are attracting new fans, but I did see 1 in a Man Utd shirt and another in a Real Madrid shirt... :strive:
                Yes definitely Bums on seats new revenue streams etc all good to see! :pleasantsuprise:


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Hertford Hoop View Post
                  Had 2 rows of them in front of me Saturday, 2 with tablets taking panoramic shots of the ground, the away fans and themselves. They must of taken hundreds of pictures of Park during the game. It was like they were all there only to support J S Park and not QPR.
                  Was that in B block? If so I see them n all.
                  You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.


                  • #10
                    It would be silly to assume that suddenly all the Koreans would switch their alliegance to us. I'm sure some will, but realistically, the majority (for now anyway), will be here to support Park.

                    This is fine imo, Park is here for commercial reasons as well as footballing ability so we should encourage this all we can, especially as we are moving to a bigger ground in a few years!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Hitman34 View Post
                      For the last 3 weeks i have been getting up and tuning into watrb website to find many posts and new threads created by fans from korea each morning.

                      funny how as soon as we lose these so called supporters have dissapeard off the radar.

                      onto a side not. this saturday cant come soon enough. have plenty of high hopes for a good result, even if the lampost is in goal again.

                      also not surprised to see a warnock vs hughes thread comparing the two has been started. thought that descussing was done after we beat liverpool and arsenal and tottenham late last season.

                      anyway, 17th place is all we need to achieve so keep your heads up, put a smile on your faces and dont let your dogs stop near any lamposts just in case green gets pis.sed on.

                      you r'ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

                      Hitman.....is this your idea of supporting our goalkeeper!?


                      • #12
                        My mum went to the game and was embarrassed of our fans. No singing like last year or getting behind the team. She even said the Koreans where more lively. Looking forward to them learning the songs hopefully people will actually sing !


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Essexsteve View Post
                          Yes definitely Bums on seats new revenue streams etc all good to see! :pleasantsuprise:
                          Isn't this what we have a go at Foolham for, tourists!!!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by QPR_Essex View Post
                            Isn't this what we have a go at Foolham for, tourists!!!!
                            Difference is 90% is tourists there lol


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MattyRangers View Post
                              Was that in B block? If so I see them n all.
                              Yes rows K and L seats 51- 56 both rows.
                              I blew a lot on vodka and tonic, gambling and fags. Looking back, I think I overdid it on the tonic. - The one and only Stanley Bowles

