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This Viagogo ticket agency

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  • This Viagogo ticket agency

    Already selling tickets for the Chelsea game, they have 1 Platinum ticket for £80 + 16.40 handling charge and 1 ticket in Block R row A for an unbelievable £100 + £20 handling fee, is this place run by touts and how can the club associate with this sort of touting ?

  • #2
    It's a way for season ticket holders who can't attend to sell their ticket so the seat doesn't stay empty. It's endorsed by the club so it's not a dodgy website.


    • #3
      I understand that bit and it is a good idea,however I did not know you could sell at whatever price you want,I thought they charged a handling fee and the ticket owner paid some commission on a face value ticket to Viagogo.


      • #4
        I don't see why we can't do the same as Real Madrid. My Spanish solicitor can phone Real to say he can't attend a match and the club then resell his ticket at face value. He gets a percentage of the resale value the club gets a cut and the buyer gets a ticket issued. At leat this way it's more likely that a true fan sees a game and stops some fancy named endorsed ticket tout company making a fortune out of supporters. CUT OUT THE BLOOD SUCKING SHISTERS.


        • #5
          I thought the tickets were only sold at Face Value?? This is a disgrace as people could literally buy a season ticket not go to any games and make a handsome profit!!!

          Also for the above reason the club needs to keep an eye on who's 'selling the tickets'. It should be capped at no more than 5 sales of tickets a season which is still not attending more than 25% of games.


          • #6
            Totally agree with you Matty, this system is fully open to abuse. I naively thought that tickets were sold at face value and like you mentioned any one could become a faceless tout for a profit. Does the club get a cut from Viagogo ?. There are games when season ticket holders cant attend as seen by the empty seats, and if you don't have a mate to give the ticket to surely selling through the club for a percentage of the face value is better than having an empty seat or feeding the blood suckers


            • #7
              Originally posted by LA Ranger View Post

              Cant stand the company.

              We've been sorting tickets for each other for years via here etc, dont see why that needs to change now.


              • #8
                on the odd occasion I have a spare, I'd get on here and offer it at face value, anyone who trys to make any money on a fellow fan is a wrong-un imo and we have a thread on the very subject, fellow r's please use it
                I must away now, I can no longer tarry
                This morning's tempest I have to cross
                I must be guided without a stumble
                Into the arms I love the most


                • #9
                  How does the site know an individual is a season ticket holder?

                  Is it when you register you provide your season ticket reference number and then a system is in place for you to choose what games you can't do and then your seat goes on sale and the club print a ticket to whoever is successful. Does make a mockery of crowd segregation but has advantages as I'm a st holder but often miss about 4/5 home games per season due to various reasons, I normally just take the hit but an online system could be advantageous.

                  Not sure it's a touts charter as its only st holders who can use it and majority of st holders have been holders for Years so unlikely to suddenly become touts, also would a genuine tout register as a st, get a st this year for the first time on the basis that they might make 100 quid when man utd, Liverpool, Chelsea and gooners turn up, considering even last year Chelsea FA cup wasn't sold out and easy for members to get tickets for all games save man utd. Reckon odd st will find out he can't do a game like say Chelsea as its his wife's sisters wedding for example and decides to stick his ticket on the site, if some muppet pays £100 so fair enough, he doesnt feel that gutted about missing Chelsea and the wife's happy. Cannot see the problem. Vast majority of games though no ones going to be interested in buying tickets from the site unless it's face value or close and even then may be no buyers. Got a gooner mate and they had a similar system, due to having a kid last season couldn't make any games and put out tickets but no real interest. Said when they were doing well though in previous seasons tickets flew off the site, funny world.

                  Will try to set up an account
                  Last edited by TBLOCKRANGER; 18-08-2012, 09:31 AM.


                  • #10
                    I take back my earlier post on the subject, I've just been on Viaogogo. Seen a ticket in PU for £300 for the Chelsea game. Does seem touts have paid £40 for membership and now making a killing


                    • #11
                      I presume also that a fan of any club can buy any ticket at Loftus Rd bypassing any membership data etc

                      Recipe for trouble in the future and the fans will be blamed and not the club


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by IsleworthRanger View Post
                        I presume also that a fan of any club can buy any ticket at Loftus Rd bypassing any membership data etc

                        Recipe for trouble in the future and the fans will be blamed and not the club
                        They have thought of that.
                        Viagogo seems to have 100% anti hooligan measures in place to prevent opposing fans getting into home sections by stating "you have to be a QPR fan to purchase a ticket"


                        • #13
                          I've already contacted the club twice about this. They say they are looking into it but it would be good if others could raise their concerns with them.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Park Street Ranger View Post
                            I've already contacted the club twice about this. They say they are looking into it but it would be good if others could raise their concerns with them.
                            Bit to late for them to be looking into it as it's the Club that has endorsed it, when season tickets were dispatched the literature from the club had Viagogo branding and it was sold as a benefit. Club must be getting a cut of the resale so for them they have benefitted twice from one ticket. Im sure it will be looked into once it all kicks off. Lot of the tickets are in the family section as well which makes a mockery of keeping kids safe and making it a pleasant atmosphere when you have a lone drunk Chelsea fans scattered in the family section giving it all when they score their 4th.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by TBLOCKRANGER View Post
                              Bit to late for them to be looking into it as it's the Club that has endorsed it, when season tickets were dispatched the literature from the club had Viagogo branding and it was sold as a benefit. Club must be getting a cut of the resale so for them they have benefitted twice from one ticket. Im sure it will be looked into once it all kicks off. Lot of the tickets are in the family section as well which makes a mockery of keeping kids safe and making it a pleasant atmosphere when you have a lone drunk Chelsea fans scattered in the family section giving it all when they score their 4th.
                              This is the type of scenario I pointed out that could happen. The club seemed surprised it would be that easy for away fans to buy tickets and thought that only people on our own database could buy. You would think they would have vetted this before giving Viagogo the go ahead.

