On the same matter of toilets in pubs a very annoying thing if you do need a pony is a lack of a seat and usually a lock as well though anyone who use to drink in the Dust Club in Harlesdon may recall the khazi did not even have a door not that it stopped some using it
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Signs of a bad pub
Originally posted by SpankwiR View PostI dont like other people's splash back on my cords either.
Do you ever drink over Whitton way Isleworth?
I love it when my pints half empt, sit it next to the urinal next to me and by the time I leave the bogs Ive been topped up to a full pint again. Bit warm mind, but beggars cant be choosers n all that.You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.
Originally posted by IsleworthRanger View PostPop in the Nelson now and then and sometimes the Winning Post
Usually drink in Isleworth or Richmond these days
My favourite Pub in Isleworths the George.
London Apprentice and The town Wharf are decent.
Originally posted by SpankwiR View PostWinning Post is good for a cheap feed
My favourite Pub in Isleworths the George.
London Apprentice and The town Wharf are decent.
Love popping down the Apprentice on a Sunday (after church of course) and then the Legion and the Working Mans expeciallly when there is football on
Choice of spirits includes Apple Sours and After Shock
Offers on snakebite black
BBC News on mute with subtitles
Fridge stocked with alcopops you haven't seen in over ten years - Metz, Twos Dogs, Hooch
The choice of lager begins and ends with Carling and Carlsberg
Mixmatch of different balls on the pool table, ended with you having to use a yellow as the cue ball.
the wrong lager coming out of the tap (the princes head in battersea pour their stella out of a castlemaine tap!)
a juke box that hasnt been updated since 1996 (eg white horse)
pubs that close for lunch
pubs that have a longer wine list than beers on tap available
in fact any pub with a wine list
pubs that show football without the sound or pubs that mute the football for karaoke
any pub thats marketed as an aussie bar
council estate boozers are notoriously premature death magnets imho......the clem atlee in fulham.......the old bill that was in greenford/hanwell and the pompadours in harold hill.............remember many moons ago in a boozer think it was called 'the chopper' in wandsworthwas about 20 and with a shepherds bush chap who though chelsea a life time mate to this day(hammer knows him)...anyhows they have a saturday disco full of 80's babes of the day and speed induced local chaps.....me and aforementioned mate blag the two best estate bints in there ala tommy johnson/fat mate in football factory............all hell brakes loose later and i swear we ran the 10k twice as fast as somali mo the other night!
you know nothing john snow!!!!
Originally posted by Factamondo View Postcouncil estate boozers are notoriously premature death magnets imho......the clem atlee in fulham.......the old bill that was in greenford/hanwell and the pompadours in harold hill.............remember many moons ago in a boozer think it was called 'the chopper' in wandsworthwas about 20 and with a shepherds bush chap who though chelsea a life time mate to this day(hammer knows him)...anyhows they have a saturday disco full of 80's babes of the day and speed induced local chaps.....me and aforementioned mate blag the two best estate bints in there ala tommy johnson/fat mate in football factory............all hell brakes loose later and i swear we ran the 10k twice as fast as somali mo the other night!
some great pubs closing down, put a pretty young barmaid behind the jump, look after the beer, sorted, not a lot to ask for reallyI must away now, I can no longer tarry
This morning's tempest I have to cross
I must be guided without a stumble
Into the arms I love the most