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who's feeling very olympic today???

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  • Originally posted by vblockranger View Post
    Apart from all the business's that have suffered after being promised otherwise by the government. There was similiar olympic downtrends in tourism after and during Beijing, Sydney and Atlanta but our government wouldnt hear of it. Oh no...money to be made by all! they said. Well it turns out its money to be made by only a few...and we the taxpayers arent one of them. have a look at the major news sites online and way down the page after all the olympic medal "success" you will find a small story on how business's in London/Weymouth etc are 30 - 40 per cent down and are struggling. We will be paying for this "pick me up" for many years to come to the cost of Billions of pounds. Next time you are visiting a relative in a run down NHS hospital which struggles to care for said relative without the proper equipment or drugs then you could go all misty eyes and reminisce over how Sir Bradley Wiggles rode his bike to Olympic glory instead...do the trick?
    Have you got a link to this article, mate - would like to read more! Cheers!


    • Originally posted by DeepcutHoop View Post
      Valid concerns all.

      But the athletes who would be doing this anyway, deserve every drop of support we can give them. We'd be behind them wherever they were competing so why should they be wished ill (as some on here have) because of something they have no control over.

      They don't deserve to be sneered at frankly.
      That is true.
      Always gets messy when sporting events are hijacked by politicians.
      Idiots like Cameron just sees the London olympics as a ways, and a means, to cover up the fact that Great Britain, really isn't that Great, at all.
      The British competitors, by and large, have done themselves, and their country, proud.


      • Originally posted by twranger View Post
        Have you got a link to this article, mate - would like to read more! Cheers!
        i have put 2 links in my post


        • Originally posted by vblockranger View Post
          Apart from all the business's that have suffered after being promised otherwise by the government. There was similiar olympic downtrends in tourism after and during Beijing, Sydney and Atlanta but our government wouldnt hear of it. Oh no...money to be made by all! they said. Well it turns out its money to be made by only a few...and we the taxpayers arent one of them. have a look at the major news sites online and way down the page after all the olympic medal "success" you will find a small story on how business's in London/Weymouth etc are 30 - 40 per cent down and are struggling. We will be paying for this "pick me up" for many years to come to the cost of Billions of pounds. Next time you are visiting a relative in a run down NHS hospital which struggles to care for said relative without the proper equipment or drugs then you could go all misty eyes and reminisce over how Sir Bradley Wiggles rode his bike to Olympic glory instead...do the trick?
          Our wretched government aren't at all concerned about the cost, just as long as these Olympics mask what is deeply wrong with the state of the nation.
          But, you are right. Our children, and theirs in all likelihood, will be paying for them long after we are pushing up daiseys.


          • Originally posted by BUSHRANGER1982 View Post
            That is true.
            Always gets messy when sporting events are hijacked by politicians.
            Idiots like Cameron just sees the London olympics as a ways, and a means, to cover up the fact that Great Britain, really isn't that Great, at all.
            The British competitors, by and large, have done themselves, and their country, proud.
            I learnt something new the other day on that subject.

            The 'Great' actually just meant bigger than Brittania Minor, which is pretty much modern Brittany. And not a claim that Britain is brilliant.



            • Originally posted by QPRDave View Post
              i have put 2 links in my post
              cheers matey!!


              • Originally posted by twranger View Post
                cheers matey!!
                no probs don't know if they are what you wanted but they are along the same lines


                • Originally posted by vblockranger View Post
                  Apart from all the business's that have suffered after being promised otherwise by the government. There was similiar olympic downtrends in tourism after and during Beijing, Sydney and Atlanta but our government wouldnt hear of it. Oh no...money to be made by all! they said. Well it turns out its money to be made by only a few...and we the taxpayers arent one of them. have a look at the major news sites online and way down the page after all the olympic medal "success" you will find a small story on how business's in London/Weymouth etc are 30 - 40 per cent down and are struggling. We will be paying for this "pick me up" for many years to come to the cost of Billions of pounds. Next time you are visiting a relative in a run down NHS hospital which struggles to care for said relative without the proper equipment or drugs then you could go all misty eyes and reminisce over how Sir Bradley Wiggles rode his bike to Olympic glory instead...do the trick?
                  Valid concerns of course, but nonetheless, for the greater majority the games is a win in many ways.

                  Please don't lecture me on the NHS - I have several members of my family who work for the NHS, including my wife who works in intensive care. I can tell you that despite your comments, all of them are fully supportive of, and enjoying the games.
                  There will always be downsides, that is life. But there are many upsides. I've seen the stories of businesses suffering, but read many others of businesses using innovative approaches to capture what business there is, having planned it proactively for years. And for many 'punters' they've had many much easier access to attractions that are normally overcrowded, restaurants they could never usually get a table in etc.

                  Whatever news reporting you want to focus on you will find. Just depends if you want to choose to focus on the good or the bad. Not saying those unfortunate to lose out should be ignored.

                  Bottom line is for the majority of the country the Olympics has been an inspiring event.


                  • And of course ultimately, it's taking place. You can't change that. It's happening - so why not embrace it and make the most of it ? Much better putting one's efforts into trying to change things in your sphere of control, rather than things you can't - might as well just make the very most of them !


                    • never mix politics and sport...........i hate all politicians as they are on the whole liars cheats n thieves!
                      you know nothing john snow!!!!


                      • Originally posted by Snaxo View Post
                        And of course ultimately, it's taking place. You can't change that. It's happening - so why not embrace it and make the most of it ? Much better putting one's efforts into trying to change things in your sphere of control, rather than things you can't - might as well just make the very most of them !
                        Doesn't that then just rubbish this web-site and others like it? We all come on here and give our opinions on players/tactics/formations, and nearly always there is a disagreement over these things, yet there is nothing we can do to change anything. Don't think anyone is stopping those that want to love the games from doing so.........just a thought, not a criticism


                        • Originally posted by DeepcutHoop View Post
                          I learnt something new the other day on that subject.

                          The 'Great' actually just meant bigger than Brittania Minor, which is pretty much modern Brittany. And not a claim that Britain is brilliant.

                          I know what the "Great" in Great Britain, means. I learnt that 30 odd years ago.


                          • Originally posted by BUSHRANGER1982 View Post
                            I know what the "Great" in Great Britain, means. I learnt that 30 odd years ago.
                            Hadn't even thought about it until I heard it the other day. Never too late to learn new stuff.


                            • what a miserable thread you have manged to turn this into.

                              Don't kid yourself that the money would have been spent on hospitals/NHS instead. We haven't had the Olympics for ages, and haven't built a world class health system now have we? Get real.
                              twitter @silvercue



                              • please please dont squabble and ruin my greatest thread.........we just got into the 800m final and we are winning the high jump and throwing the flying saucer furthest!
                                you know nothing john snow!!!!

