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Hoilett waits on work permit

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  • #61
    Originally posted by loft54 View Post
    Yes essex how do you know or is this just a wind up if it is i dont think we need anymore i think we have had our fair share this week.
    You tell him lOft!!


    • #62
      News on hoiletts permit... Its not gospel..

      Agent_NCP ‏@Agent_NCP
      Junior Hoilett's bid for a work permit is going smoothly. If all goes to plan he should be named a #QPR player within 48 hours.

      He hasnt been wrong about anything since ive been following what he's been saying...


      • #63
        + he has had his medical and passed it.


        • #64
          I passed my medical too but they refused my work permit citing border control would not allow me out of inbred city :(


          • #65
            damn :( maybe try get in touch with hoilett for some tips on how to blag a temp permit


            • #66
              cool thanks for that.

              im no expert but wd have thought you get a permit to work for a specific company. if you change company you have to re-apply. but it wd be pretty easy for the club to prove that he is of the required standard. it can be hard for a young player (eg that brazilian kid we tried to sign) but when hoilett has had a champions league club trying to buy him, it should be pretty straight forward. only issue i cd see is i remember reading something about it being more difficult if the player's country of origin has a low fifa ranking, and im guessing canada cant rate that high...


              • #67
                Originally posted by stainrodisalegend View Post
                cool thanks for that.

                im no expert but wd have thought you get a permit to work for a specific company. if you change company you have to re-apply. but it wd be pretty easy for the club to prove that he is of the required standard. it can be hard for a young player (eg that brazilian kid we tried to sign) but when hoilett has had a champions league club trying to buy him, it should be pretty straight forward. only issue i cd see is i remember reading something about it being more difficult if the player's country of origin has a low fifa ranking, and im guessing canada cant rate that high...
                Im not too sure but things are going well, he was only on a temp permit until his contract ran out as far as i know! So now this is a perm one


                • #68
                  Don't understand all this Work Permit stuff. It aint like he is skivvying of the goverment - or is he.....?


                  • #69
                    because he wasnt born in this country, therefore when he came over to england he got denied one, so they had to loan him back to germany for 2 years, then came back and got a temp one for 3 years, now is getting a permanent one, it may be the case he has a perm but the club are just doing checks being careful ect, i dont know


                    • #70
                      I think the problem is that he was originally refused a permit and then got one on appeal. I think that's why he originally got a temporary permit.


                      • #71
                        Still all a load of tosh


                        • #72
                          I can't see there being a problem with a work permit. He is being offered lucrative employment, his contract and signing on fee alone will turn him into a multi millionaire, which he probably is at the moment. He won't be poncing off the state in any way, so I don't know why it wouldn't be approved.

                          Besides, he plays left wing, and England knows only too well how rare one of those is
                          Supporting QPR isn't just about a football team. It's about roots and identity.


                          • #73
                            Jane, as i said bud i dont know much about this, im tryna look into more ill post when i hear.


                            • #74
                              In these situations how do contracts work.? Would he have signed one subject to a permit or will he sign after the permit comes through? Just wondering if another team could still swoop for him?


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by QPR Richard View Post
                                I can't see there being a problem with a work permit. He is being offered lucrative employment, his contract and signing on fee alone will turn him into a multi millionaire, which he probably is at the moment. He won't be poncing off the state in any way, so I don't know why it wouldn't be approved.

                                Besides, he plays left wing, and England knows only too well how rare one of those is
                                its not just fear of poncing off the state as you put it. to sign a player from outside the eu a club has to prove that he is better than is available in england. its done to protect british/ eu workers.

