OK - so I've had a bit of time on my hands recently. Been playing back the highlights of the last 5 minutes and something didn't quite seem right.
A good minute and a half went missing - enough time for us to score and Man Utd to win the league. The turn of events were as follows:
1) At 90 mins - 5 extra minutes added
2) City score their 3rd on 93mins 20 secs (leaving minimum 1m 40 left)
3) QPR kick off at 95:23 (meaning earliest ref can blow is 97:03 secs)
4) Ref blows for full time at 95:42 (a minimum of 1m 21 secs early)
I reckon the remaining time should be played behind closed doors!
A good minute and a half went missing - enough time for us to score and Man Utd to win the league. The turn of events were as follows:
1) At 90 mins - 5 extra minutes added
2) City score their 3rd on 93mins 20 secs (leaving minimum 1m 40 left)
3) QPR kick off at 95:23 (meaning earliest ref can blow is 97:03 secs)
4) Ref blows for full time at 95:42 (a minimum of 1m 21 secs early)
I reckon the remaining time should be played behind closed doors!