Right, lets be honest, we got bladdered today. we got bladdered by a team I would sell my soul to not have this happen. However, I have been watching the R's since 65 and have seen us do this to many a team so we have to take it and move on. If you think watching us is tough talk to a Macclesfield, Rochdale, or Cobblers fan. They have nothing but misery but still keep going. I will always respect these guys more than all the big time charlies who suddenly have forgotten Blackburn Rovers and Shearer. Be very proud of what wev'e got, It's not that long ago that me and Charlie Greengrass were in attendance watching us lose to Vauxhall Motors, if you offered me the swop then for today I would have taken it.Whether we go down or stay up we are very lucky, we have great owners and believe me in the worst case scenario we will **** the champiomship next year. We are lucky that we are back and competing after years of being skint and the future is bright. Looking forward to seeing all my muckers next week, wev'e still got a sqeaque.
Whatever the Season.
Whatever the Season.