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Officials this season

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  • Officials this season

    This isn't a moan but a query...

    We've all berated the refs and linos all season. If the decisions against us weren't laughable...the ones on Sunday in the FA Cup Semi Final with an audience of millions were.

    But does anyone have a theory as to why the reffing has been so poor week in, week out in every game?

    Is the game going too quick now? Players are faster...looking back at the Cruyff Turn now on youtube - how anyone fell for it is beyond me - slowest play in the book.

    Are the players getting to "know" the refs - do they know which refs they can get away with certain things/how to "con" certain refs?

    Are the refs given too much theory/exam to do and are not reffing grassroot football at an early stage?

    I don't pretend to know much about how referees get to where they are - they just seem to appear in the centre circle at 14.59 on a Saturday - but there must be a reason as to why they are not as competent any more.

    Jovial answers welcome, but serious ones appreciated.

  • #2
    Refs are too big for their boots now. Everyone knows their names and they think they are superstars. Years ago we hardly knew any refs !


    • #3
      is that right they are on around 90 grand a year (think it was said on talk sport ,)

      imagine working in the private sector and making some of the decisions that have been made this season your feet wouldnt touch,

      much to big for their boots


      • #4
        Serious answer; When football was 1st televised not all games were covered so not all mistakes could be shown.Basically when sky took over and had more camers and camera angles then more mistakes were picked up, that were probably always there.
        But i do think the players are fitter, and the game is faster,....too fast for one man to be able to call all decisons correctly, which is why i think tv replays should be applied,not just for goal line decisions, but game changing decisions.

