How many times will the inept do F.A. shoot themselves in the foot. they condone cheating with players diving and feigning headbuts. We had this with Bennett and J.B also the Newcastle guy last week against Liverpool. and an 11 stone man A.Young going down with the mearist of touches. last week all talksport talked about was trying to eradicate diving from the game how the hell can we do this when the F.A. think and support players who dive are doing nothing wrong, also very poor tackles from Ballotelli & Ivanovic punching players off the ball going seems that the FA are just trying to protect inept officials.
A panel of ex players needs to be set up to view these and all incidents and dish out punishment retropectively, i.e. bans dished out to divers and players who feign injury, until this is done we just go on and on because of a few people who are incapable, but run a multi billion pound industry.
A panel of ex players needs to be set up to view these and all incidents and dish out punishment retropectively, i.e. bans dished out to divers and players who feign injury, until this is done we just go on and on because of a few people who are incapable, but run a multi billion pound industry.