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Outside after the game

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Greengrass View Post

    Went to the game yesterday and more pissed off about the police than the result. Honestly, they wonder why people hate them then they go and behave like thugs.

    Coming out of the ground yesterday, a QPR fan came out giving it large behind the police line, my mate ran up there with his arms out giving it some verbal back, and two coppers grabbed him by either arm, literally dragged him up to the fence. I heard with my own ears one of them going "oi c**t, you want to mind your mouth before I nick ya you silly c**t".

    My mate's dad saw his son being dragged away, and ran over and said what's going on, that's my son, they told him to "back the **** off" and shoved him hard back into the road. I turned round to some woman copper and said, literally, "is that really necessary? Come on" and she berated me for nearly treading on her toe. I was nowhere near her bloody toe and even if I was, how was I to know she was standing right behind me?

    At this point, the bloke's dad got angry because they shoved him and went back in a bit of a rage so I went to grab him and pull him away, just as another woman copper came steaming in, I got there first and pulled him away from her, getting myself between him and her, and she bumped into me and said "don't ****ing push me son, I've had enough of you lot. I'll nick ya".

    Honestly, what an absolute ****ing joke. The whole time, none of us did anything really wrong, except my mate who threw a bit of banter back at a QPR fan who started mouthing first. The police come steaming in, way too heavy handed, no thoughts about handling the situation calmly. They escalate it themselves, make people angry.

    I went back to get one of their numbers - this one tall bloke with long grey stubble - who was a complete ######## the whole time. He went to me "want my number do you son? There you go. Now **** off" and literally pushed his shoulder badge thingy into my face.

    Arsenal fans in general are a good bunch, and there's no real friction with QPR fans, but it felt like it yesterday. I haven't seen that much trouble with the police at a match ever before. It came across as far too heavy handed, completely out of order. Way over the top. Bunch of power hungry mugs.

    worthing_gooner Posts: 1828Joined: Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:47 pmLocation: Worthing, West Sussex
    that sounds like it could of been the two lads mouthing me and my mate off on the top of south africa road one minute giving large calling me and my mates *****s because we were talking to eachtoher about taraabts goal and how well clint hill played, next minute they were no where to be seen

    oh well

    #QPRJunglists #QPRPartybusmassive @epn1882chalet QPR - JUNGLE - DnB - Westside Hounslow


    • #17
      i think

      in the very begining the chelseas shed end was the place to be not justfor chelsea fans,tottenham millwall and qpr used to go there,we used to be aged about 14 we were only children but the exitement was amazing wearing our skinhead clothese we felt as though we were all part of this incredible world of reggae music tonic suits and fun fun fun
      the leaders were aged about 18 years of age
      there were three of them
      it wasnt really about violence it was about being there,it was all about haveing as much fun as you could ,you knew one day you would get older so you used try to cherish every minute of your life,and every second was an adventure
      this was seassopn 1967-68 and skinhesdism was in its infancy,but sadly the seeds of its destruction had already been sown
      after the 67 cup final the chelsea fans had declared war on the tottenham,and had gone and attacked all there pubs,people got attacked and the whole situation had gone to a new level,most of hooliganism was aimed at smashing trains
      etc but the massive attack on people had now become a new idea a new concept.
      but what chelsea didnt know was that the tottenham were planning a terrible revenge,i was meant to be there that day but i couldnt get the mmoney to go so i didnt go
      but five hundred chelsea skins all aged about 14 years of age went to a testimionial at charlton athletics ground,at london bridge station 300 tottenham were waiting these were all aged 18 years of age and many were tooled up with pick axe handles etc
      what was to follow was the most famous ever battle taking part were 800 skins and the outcome was an over whelming victory to the spurs who wee older and tooled up
      when i saw the damage done to my mates in the school playground i realised by the damage done to them this was one terrible fight
      then in 68-69 the loft end was formed and although i was one of the founder members i was only 15 years of age so i was by no means a main lad
      the leaders opf the loft were aged between 18 and 19 and yeah qpr didnt have the numbers of the mighty shedboys,but they did have a few lunatics from ladbroke grove and shepards bush
      but being outnumberd ten to one some of the early chelsea v qpr encounters were embarressing because the qpr fans didnt even bother turning up
      but by 1982 qpr were slowly getting everyones respect and chelsea fans i knew told me they were too frightened to go to loftus road
      so me having seen the everlution of football violence,you may well ask me what is the future,at the beging of last season i predicted big trouble against millwall and i was right
      at the begining of this season i predicted almost no violence and i was right
      every mob has a proffesional police informent pushing everything through the police computer
      cctv,is getting better all the time and people are getting lifted for fights that took place 6 months ago
      d n a is improving all the time
      all telephone calls between the thugs are monitored
      so football fans will be able to mix freely and some stadium will be allowed standing terraces again,and
      Last edited by qprted; 02-04-2012, 11:24 AM.
      Click here to view my blog.



      • #18
        I saw a Gooner in his 30,s crying


        • #19
          Originally posted by kron-1664 View Post
          We should market the London Premier Hooli League, Sky could cover it really well . Danny Dyer as the expert pundit


          • #20
            Originally posted by qprted View Post
            but by 1982 qpr were slowly getting everyones respect and chelsea fans i knew told me they were too frightened to go to loftus road
            I dont remember the Chelsea boys looking too frightened as they swamped Loftus Rd practically every time we played them in the 80s. They took the p iss here all the time, and were nasty b astards at Stamford bridge too, to everyone even the family fans.
            Thats why i`ll always hate chelsea
            Rangers,Scooters ,Tunes and Trainers


            • #21
              Originally posted by vespa View Post
              I dont remember the Chelsea boys looking too frightened as they swamped Loftus Rd practically every time we played them in the 80s. They took the p iss here all the time, and were nasty b astards at Stamford bridge too, to everyone even the family fans.
              Thats why i`ll always hate chelsea
              Totally agree,in the late 80's and early 90's they used to take over loftus rd,I remember the 2-2 draw a mate and i were in the upper loft, we went 2 up and when townsend and then wise scored in the last minute half the stand went up they were everywhere.


              • #22
                chelsea always took the lower loft behind the goal ,bar stewards....those benches boys at chelsea were nasty as well.


                • #23

                  well i assure you i arranged to meet my mate from ealing at one qpr v chelsea home game and i went to the springbok but no sign of him ,so i assumed he didnt come to the game
                  when i met him about a year later the scar he showed me on his chest was from the top of his shoulder right down to his stomach,he said he wasnt ever comming to qpr again he needed eighty stitches in that wound he had walked through the flats and he and some other chelsea had met some qpr,after 82 chelsea took a good few hidings at loftus road maybe,you guys are younger than me and you cant remember when chelsea used to bring twenty thousand fans to loftus road, qpr fans were too frightened to stand
                  but after 82 the qpr mob feared knowbody im not going to go into specific details,because this thread will be shut down and ill get more infraction points
                  but basically chelsea have a micky mouse mob up against west ham or millwall
                  they are nothing if you think chelsea are a top firm thats up to you,but i lost all respect for chelsea when i saw west ham walk into the shed end and the chelsea run away,
                  Click here to view my blog.



                  • #24
                    Ted , i really would like to believe you , but i was there all the way through the eighties , and i saw Rangers pull good firms against Luton , Norwich ,Oxford etc and most notibly Everton , but theres no point trying to rewrite history , Chelsea took the **** at Loftus rd everytime we played them in the 80s ,( i even remember Charlton bringing a firm into the Loft without too much opososition).
                    Not saying Rangers didnt have any good lads, but Chelsea used to walk around the manor taking liberties , and terrorising our family support.
                    Rangers,Scooters ,Tunes and Trainers


                    • #25

                      well i guess i hate chelsea too much too give them any credit after they kicked me around the loft,luckily the blows only hit me on the head so no damage done,but my advice to you vespa is go and buy a lambretta
                      Click here to view my blog.



                      • #26
                        ,but my advice to you vespa is go and buy a lambretta[/QUOTE]

                        Ive spent half my youth by the side of the road ,trying to fix Lambrettas, to bother with them know Ted. Id rather ride a Vespa then push a Lambretta
                        Rangers,Scooters ,Tunes and Trainers


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by qprted View Post
                          well i guess i hate chelsea too much too give them any credit after they kicked me around the loft,luckily the blows only hit me on the head so no damage done,but my advice to you vespa is go and buy a lambretta


                          • #28
                            vespa, do u remember the charlton mob at White city tube, top mob that day, dont forget us and soton and Forrest always tasty
                            Chelmsford City the home of Radio


                            • #29
                              also 80s yi ds, goons all over our ground and man u too and rows with utd all over before after
                              Chelmsford City the home of Radio


                              • #30
                                the first time i really saw a battalion of rangers ,not only stand against ,but get the better of even numbers of chelsea was outside goldhawk rd tube after a boxing day game circa 84...i was in the young cmob and with some older r's we really did dish out a feastive greeting to those marauders from battersea rise..............as mention by tedward earlier i was with my ex brother in law and the famous icf when they terrorised chelsea inside and outside stamford bridge in the 80's...........kid you not the west ham chaps numbered a good 500-700............chelsea poo poo'd themselves n locked themselves in boozers for hours afters.............even saw some of their 'faces' melt like a pound of kerrygold in a furnace!
                                you know nothing john snow!!!!

