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When and whay did Barton call Mackie a w0nker

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  • #16
    Originally posted by BennyBoyRs View Post

    Get a grip boys.
    It's not just because it is Joey - I have watched football for over 30 years and can't recall a captain ever doing that to one of his players after they messed up.

    It is about how things are delivered Benny. If it wasn't John Terry wouldn't be in court for describing Anton's skin colouration.
    twitter @silvercue



    • #17
      Originally posted by BennyBoyRs View Post
      I genuinely don't get your point on the c**t versus w@nker sign. No difference in my eye, but in the eyes of many people, the 'C' word is the most vile thing out there. Not to me. I'm thick skinned.

      No dig, but IMO point is; this is not about you and your feelings! It`s about a team with different personalities who desperatly needs to support each other AND GEL.
      Last edited by Shania; 28-02-2012, 08:09 PM.
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      • #18
        Fair enough. I just can't believe I'm having a real debate about how mean it is to be called a w@nker with two blokes.

        Times have clearly changed. Maybe I'm just such a c**t these days that I knock about with lads who wouldn't give this a second thought.

        I'm gonna have to leave it there though as I feel embarrassed to be debating this.
        Your mum would love me...


        • #19
          Originally posted by Shania View Post

          No dig, but IMO point is; this is not about you! It`s about a team with different personalities who desperatly needs to support each other AND GEL.
          Do me a favour, treacle.
          Your mum would love me...


          • #20
            Originally posted by BennyBoyRs View Post
            Fair enough. I just can't believe I'm having a real debate about how mean it is to be called a w@nker with two blokes.

            Times have clearly changed. Maybe I'm just such a c**t these days that I knock about with lads who wouldn't give this a second thought

            I'm gonna have to leave it there though as I feel embarrassed to be debating this.
            Like i said Ben when have you or anyone else EVER seen or heard of a pro footballer giving the w*nker sign to a team mate because he simply messed up a move. Its nothing to do with 'how times have changed' do me a favour.Barton showed a real lack of respect for a team mate when the chips are down and at a time when we need to pull together.
            You say you know people who know Mackie ask them whether he appreciated the gesture. Maybe he wont comment on it but i bet you he was a little bit peed off about it.


            • #21
              Not what you would expect from a captain.


              • #22
                Originally posted by BennyBoyRs View Post
                Do me a favour, treacle.
                NO!, I wouldn´t!
                Last edited by Shania; 28-02-2012, 08:10 PM.
                Best team in the world
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                • #23
                  Originally posted by NortholtRanger097 View Post
                  Not what you would expect from a captain.

                  Soon an ex. captain I hope. In fact Macie is more of Captain material.

                  Personally, I would like to see Barton play on the right side of midfield again.
                  Best team in the world
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                  • #24
                    Just want to make myself clear.

                    It wasnt the fact that Barton called Mackie a w*nker it was the hand gesture. If that makes sense?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Bigdave View Post
                      Just want to make myself clear.

                      It wasnt the fact that Barton called Mackie a w*nker it was the hand gesture. If that makes sense?

                      Relax. Don´t bother.
                      Best team in the world
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                      • #26
                        The problem comes when the Captain calls you a w##### for making a mistake when he is the worst player on the pitch
                        Dyslexic so please don't feel the need to correct my spelling mistakes as I really don't give a **** and before you say use spell checker if it is spelt right / wright but not in context spell check is useless


                        • #27
                          Blimey everyone's getting a bit precious.

                          Everyone will have their own interpreation and opinion on such things. To all those saying using his hand to make the gesture was so much worse than saying it or calling him a f'ing c£nt there would be others who'd react to that worse.

                          Also most on here will be the sort who have banter with mates and call them all sorts and same goes in teams, only sometimes when the pressure is on tensions are high and in the moment they may be executed with more intent than usual, but afterwards it would be water under the bridge. I played for over 20 years and hand gestures are used plenty.... Its easier to express with a hand signal from 80 yards.

                          Should he do it, probably not, but tbf I curse Mackie every time he has yet another aimless run into an oppositions legs when there's an easy pass on he ignores so I can understand his frustration, same with Adel when it isn't working yet repeated again and again to no avail.

                          They're both well paid professionals and need to get on with it.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Del View Post
                            Blimey everyone's getting a bit precious.

                            Everyone will have their own interpreation and opinion on such things. To all those saying using his hand to make the gesture was so much worse than saying it or calling him a f'ing c£nt there would be others who'd react to that worse.

                            Also most on here will be the sort who have banter with mates and call them all sorts and same goes in teams, only sometimes when the pressure is on tensions are high and in the moment they may be executed with more intent than usual, but afterwards it would be water under the bridge. I played for over 20 years and hand gestures are used plenty.... Its easier to express with a hand signal from 80 yards.

                            Should he do it, probably not, but tbf I curse Mackie every time he has yet another aimless run into an oppositions legs when there's an easy pass on he ignores so I can understand his frustration, same with Adel when it isn't working yet repeated again and again to no avail.

                            They're both well paid professionals and need to get on with it.
                            The perfect nutshell for this forum lately!
                            You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by BennyBoyRs View Post
                              I don't really see the difference in being caled a c**t, and someone giving to the w@nker sign really mate. If anything, being called a c**t is far more offensive. I find it amusing when mates call me one, but that's just how I am. I don't get offended easilly.

                              I bet there ain't too many in the squad who don't get on with Barton outside of the game. In fact I know that there are plenty who back him because he'll speak up for them. Of course he winds plenty up, but who doesn't?

                              As a player, he's not delivered, but a lot of that was because we expected something he wasn't. I still think he's done far better than many credit him for, but I can't be arsed argueing that as most peoples minds are made up on him. But I absolutely guarantee that if he scored four goals and we lost 5-4, he'd be the one getting the blame. It makes me laugh at how inaccurate his haters are when it comes to there opinion on his contributions in some games. He needs to improve, but there are far worse in the squad than him.


                              • #30
                                Barton in my eyes is the only one fighting in our team. If someone didn't pass to him he'd make sure the ball is won back, yet if it was Adel or Mackie they'd throw their hands in the air

