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The drummer in Q block yesterday

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  • #91
    Originally posted by TRING-RANGER View Post
    The drummer needs to have "wild boys" by duran duran in his ear phones
    then play it over the tannoy (is that what they still call it) get all the fans banging the seats /walls and make it a place you dont want to play as it was back in the 70s
    leave off..."wild boys". fans up and down the country would never let it go-slaughter us forever. get rid of drummers full stop. that poxy band at england games has killed the atmosphere and it does the same for club teams. play london calling just as we kick off over the tannoy(which also is too loud and sounds cheap!!!) and we might have a winner. the best atmospheres at rangers are off the cuff not planned. i love the fact that we are from our own corner of london which has its own certain identity and we should play up to that. the clash,steptoe etc should be part and parcel!!!


    • #92
      Originally posted by bushcelt1 View Post
      leave off..."wild boys". fans up and down the country would never let it go-slaughter us forever. get rid of drummers full stop. that poxy band at england games has killed the atmosphere and it does the same for club teams. play london calling just as we kick off over the tannoy(which also is too loud and sounds cheap!!!) and we might have a winner. the best atmospheres at rangers are off the cuff not planned. i love the fact that we are from our own corner of london which has its own certain identity and we should play up to that. the clash,steptoe etc should be part and parcel!!!
      Yeah i thought i had that one was wrong about the tannoy , but back in the day when we went teams were scared to come to lofus road i cried when they lost , i could not speak to anybody for a week, dumped girlfriends who thought it was funny, and still cant go down there because of how it hurts when they lose ( and im 58) how a team f-- ks your life

