Lets hope so, would be a fantastic signing and encourage other waverers that we are worth joining.
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Originally posted by Ric-Roc View PostMakes you laugh.
Brisbane sends me a pm sucking up then wants to talk more b0llox.
Oh dear. Certified crack head.
Ignore function activated. Plank.
out of some-ones ####...
let me know when you come back..if yo
shall i post the PM i sent you or are you gonna do it and make yourself look stupid...
mate you really need to take your head u have the balls mate..
dont think you do.........waster....!!!
Ric..give up the drugs mate..you cant handle them..theyt are running and ruining you.....
save your 50 quid, get a job and move up the ladder a bit mate......
Boring post mate,,thought you could do much better..I'll post my PM for you to look an idiot as said....
Have fun eating your words..fool.....!!
actually for the rest of y..i'll try to copy and patste the PM..then i hope you all slate that idiot as he deserves...
No running away now little boy !!!
Originally posted by Ric-Roc View PostMakes you laugh.
Brisbane sends me a pm sucking up then wants to talk more b0llox.
Oh dear. Certified crack head.
Ignore function activated.
I have nothing personall against you at all...
I dont agree with a lot of your posts....
Time to move on dont you think....?
I disagree with what you said...full stop....!! i hope you dopnt agree with a lot of mine...
we still have a common concern,.the well being of our club...
I'm not asking you to like me or even talk to me...but..my opinion is just a valid as yours..IMHO....
Lets grow up and agree to disagreee.eh?
Otherwise i will need shania's handbag!
Well there you go Ric....final proof that you are a ********ter and no-one believes a word you say......
Your a **** mate.....no idea on how to play and willing to lie to people who trust you...
I support every word i say,..you obviously are a chancer...run away little boy !!
been found out mate...
NEXT !!!
Originally posted by qprbrisbanedivision View PostOriginally Posted by qprbrisbanedivision
I have nothing personall against you at all...
I dont agree with a lot of your posts....
Time to move on dont you think....?
I disagree with what you said...full stop....!! i hope you dopnt agree with a lot of mine...
we still have a common concern,.the well being of our club...
I'm not asking you to like me or even talk to me...but..my opinion is just a valid as yours..IMHO....
Lets grow up and agree to disagreee.eh?
Otherwise i will need shania's handbag!
Well there you go Ric....final proof that you are a ********ter and no-one believes a word you say......
Your a **** mate.....no idea on how to play and willing to lie to people who trust you...
I support every word i say,..you obviously are a chancer...run away little boy !!
been found out mate...
NEXT !!!
a chancer??
are you sure you have'nt posted on here as watermellon....cause he sprouted the same sithe!!!PRIDE OF LONDON.
Originally posted by bushcelt1 View Posthow and where has he been found out????
a chancer??
are you sure you have'nt posted on here as watermellon....cause he sprouted the same sithe!!!
please repost with the bit where i am sucking up...?
Water who?
here goes the clique thing !!!
I know he may be your mate but please..read carefully!
Originally posted by loftustoad View PostCan you just give it a rest? no one else cares. I come on here to read posts on the club not your sensitivities.
Sorry, but if some idiot wanbts to have a go then i have to make my stance!!
my appologies to you and others, just some people need to be found out for what they are !!
FYI..i'm prob the least sesitive person you will ever meet....seriously !!
Originally posted by MYU View PostThat's enough now guy's, agree to disagree and let's move on.
I said agree to disagree and even re-posted the PM
He's been found out as a liar......I've done nothing wrong except express my opinion.....i thought that was the idea of this forum?
If i have done something wrong, plaese tell me and i will appollogise to who-ever is involved....
Over to you myu...maybe you should have a word with Ric..or is he another un-touchable...?