Of all you guys attending the next meeting with the club, will one of you please ask this question on behalf of all of us, so that we know where we are.
Is the rumour true that your takeover plan does not include buying players out of your own money, and that it will only come from other revenue raised that will pay for it? And can you please explain how your boutique principal will work?
To me it means continual price increases, and also explains why we're not spending on players....And if they're not going to put much money in, you can guess how long it will be before we get anywhere.
We've heard a lot of talk about boutique club and all the rest of it, but nobody has directly explained it to us from the horses' mouth. We've also heard about the club being run self-sufficiently (ali R's quote to Tracy). This to me means hardly any owner input, is this true?
Let them tell us what boutique football means, and why they're not putting their own money in.
Pete, Ade, Report, are one of you going to tackle this head on, or will you just go there and say nothing? If you think this is a stupid question, then tell me, if not ask it.
Is the rumour true that your takeover plan does not include buying players out of your own money, and that it will only come from other revenue raised that will pay for it? And can you please explain how your boutique principal will work?
To me it means continual price increases, and also explains why we're not spending on players....And if they're not going to put much money in, you can guess how long it will be before we get anywhere.
We've heard a lot of talk about boutique club and all the rest of it, but nobody has directly explained it to us from the horses' mouth. We've also heard about the club being run self-sufficiently (ali R's quote to Tracy). This to me means hardly any owner input, is this true?
Let them tell us what boutique football means, and why they're not putting their own money in.
Pete, Ade, Report, are one of you going to tackle this head on, or will you just go there and say nothing? If you think this is a stupid question, then tell me, if not ask it.