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Has Fernandes lost the plot....

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  • Has Fernandes lost the plot....

    We are looking at a 40-45k Stadium?

    Sorry but I fear this would be a huge mistake 30k at the most would be fine, we still struggle to sell out Loftus Road at the moment unless he plans to charge peanuts for season tickets I think this could be a huge mistake.

    The new stadium and training ground seems high up on his agenda.

  • #2
    How many QPR fans attended the Division 2 Play offs in 2003 against Cardiff? I think this could be a good guess of QPR fanbase.
    QPR fan since1987



    • #3
      No he hasn't lost the plot. He is showing how ambitious he is and his vision for the club. I remember Arsenal having similar concerns and now they have along waiting list. I also remember Chris Wright saying he'd spoken to Steve Gibson of Middlesbrough who said their attendances had risen dramatically when the Riverside was built.

      The club has a bigger fan base than you might imagine. Many fans have stopped going in recent years because of the poor level of football we've played at over the last 15 years. Add to that the current squeeze on people's finances which is affecting attendance at many clubs. TF is taking a long term view and believes the club has the potential to grow.

      He has shown his business skills through the building of his airlines. I say, support his ambitions for the club and enjoy the ride.
      Supporting QPR isn't just about a football team. It's about roots and identity.


      • #4
        Personally, I think we need to applaude and support TF's long-term vision for our Club.

        If we had another 5-10k seats available in Loftus Road - do you think we would be able to sell them this year? Of course we would !!

        To become sustainable in the medium to long-term, we desperately need a stadium that can attract 35k+ and which incorporates the volume of hospitality options that will bost our matchday revenues nearer to our peers.

        If we get the right mix of high-grossing hospitality areas in the new stadium - I would guess that we would then be able to reduce 'normal' ticket prices when we have the capacity to cater for larger crowds. IMHO, we have as much chance of attracting 35k fans @ £20-£30 a ticket rather than the current 18k @ £40-£50.

        Let's get behind TF - Come on You Rrrss !!


        • #5
          You've lost the plot if this is your attempt to lure people your site.


          • #6

            I can see what funky means,both southampton and coventry built new stadiums but the cost destroyed both teams

            but if we put the mittals under the microscope they could with there wealth create something really amazing

            youve heard of disney land,now you will see mittal land

            a 40 thousand roofed stadium that can host pop concerts etc,a casinio, a hotel the first of there very own superstores that could rival tesco lydle sainsbury
            waitrose..........................it may sound ridiculous but it could easily be acheivable,then anyone who stays at the hotel could have match tickets at a greatly reduced price,youi could also have cinema ice skating rinc,etc etc etc

            its whether or not the mittals could be botherd but they certainly have got the knowledge to do this and most importantly they have the money
            Click here to view my blog.



            • #7
              Mellow it was a thread about why we are looking to build a 40k plus stadium when we struggle to fill Loftus Road?

              Please do not bring my little forum into this it's a genuine QPR related point with 0 hidden agenda.


              • #8
                London has 10 Million odd people. He is showing ambition big time. AFAIC we've never had a better owner in my lifetime so to hear this is a massive plus.

                He's no mug & for such a successful businessman we are in no position to question him. These people don't know what its like to lose money.

                Onwards & upwards.


                • #9
                  Ok. Sorry, I'm not sure how big we should be looking at..seems a bit big the figure mentioned, let them sort it out.


                  • #10
                    40-45 000 is the exact capacity we need I think. It looks more than the current fan base but if we think to develope in a future looks acceptable 40k ground. Not very big, not very small.
                    If we want to compete the so called big teams in Prem, we need a stadium with similar capacity, plus don`t forget the fan base will grow up slowly but surely.
                    I personally felt on the 7th sky when returned after 12 yrs of absence from England at Loftus Rd in Jan 2005. I love Loftus Rd as it is but we have to accept the reality - if we want to be one of the big teams we should move to a bigger home!...Sad but true.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by qpr333 View Post
                      40-45 000 is the exact capacity we need I think. It looks more than the current fan base but if we think to develope in a future looks acceptable 40k ground. Not very big, not very small.
                      If we want to compete the so called big teams in Prem, we need a stadium with similar capacity, plus don`t forget the fan base will grow up slowly but surely.
                      I personally felt on the 7th sky when returned after 12 yrs of absence from England at Loftus Rd in Jan 2005. I love Loftus Rd as it is but we have to accept the reality - if we want to be one of the big teams we should move to a bigger home!...Sad but true.
                      You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.


                      • #12
                        could affect the atmosphere at a new stadium. would rather we went at 30-35 with room to build.
                        Soldier: "im on reconnaissance sir.. im looking for our camouflage expert.. have you seen him?"
                        Lovejoy: "No?!"
                        Soldier: "GOD DAMNIT THAT GUYS GOOD!"

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                        • #13
                          Build it and they will come.
                          Banning people is no longer my hobby,
                          but take a look at my photo blog:


                          How and why did I start supporting QPR in Estonia:


                          • #14
                            For me it depends on what his business model and business plans are, because i do agree under the current fan base, plan and ticket prices 40k + is too much.

                            But if they have a business plan to reduce tickets prices to affordable levels for lower income families, bring the cost of football back to the working classes then they will attract more support, and some of this will come from increased tourists who can now afford to go to an extra activity on their visit due to the savings, some of this will now attract your freinds to come along who would normaly stay at home, some will attract the floating supporters which at the moment go to our competitors and some will come from Fulham / Chelsea / Ars / Tot / WH fans who want to go to football but cant afford it, therefore converting them to an R fan.

                            Other options you could have is promotions, like buy an Air Asia ticket from Asia to London and get free enter into QPR, or if your doing a business trip from this continent we can do other corperate offers to help you sell your company or seal deals.

                            There are many ways that this can be filled, agreed not by the current default base, but by increasing it through Marketing, Prices, Promotions remember the guy is inovator and sees openings were he can exploit and pinch / attract customers were others cant see it.

                            Well thats my thinking anyway
                            One for all.... and all for one


                            • #15
                              For me...TF will be aiming to utilise this new stadium for a lot more than just QPR.

                              We have to aim big, in order to sell it to say music promoters, The FA, sports promoters (boxing possibly, James DeGale for example)

                              Will be some increased revenue in terms of this and if we make prices reasonable for the whole ground at QPR games, we will sell more than 18k and in theory we will make more money.

