Let's just admit it,we all love reading a bit of scandal.It's human nature.
Was it not great to see guys like Terry,Giggs etc. getting brought down a peg or two?.
Celebs use the press to their advantage but don't like it when it bites them in the ####.I would assume Speed heard some story was gonna come out about him.When you are famous this is the price you pay.
And those who say private lives should stay private are talking rubbish.Many a politician would still be in power if we let them do what they like with no comeback.
Was it not great to see guys like Terry,Giggs etc. getting brought down a peg or two?.
Celebs use the press to their advantage but don't like it when it bites them in the ####.I would assume Speed heard some story was gonna come out about him.When you are famous this is the price you pay.
And those who say private lives should stay private are talking rubbish.Many a politician would still be in power if we let them do what they like with no comeback.