Originally posted by stainrodisalegend
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OK let us see how THE OPINION is really divided
Originally posted by stainrodisalegend View PostIf you are referring to Scott I think he was actually extremely pro Paladini and an enthusiastic enjoyer of his hospitality. I say that not to criticise Scott as personally have absolutely nothing agaisnt the bloke but not sure who you talking about?Football played the Charlie Ferris way
Originally posted by Sprocket View PostI'm astounded at the poll results. We are where we are not as a result of what he did but despite of what he did.
Originally posted by stainrodisalegend View PostPerhaps the vote so far suggests that those who shout loud and angry are not necessarily in the majority? Just a thought. Personally am so bored of Paladini arguments I can't even remember whether I was pro or anti. Between those who thought he was the second coming and those who thought he was the anti-christ perhaps he was just somewhere in the middle?
Originally posted by superhoop67 View PostScott was one of his many lapdogs , one name for starters Terry Ball
I liked Terry Ball, no idea why he was banned - will try to find out. In fairness some were banned (not saying in his case as simply don't know) for persistently abusing others. Posters can't always have it both ways.
Originally posted by W12_Ranger View PostCapatain Clunge
Originally posted by Kirill View PostAdmit it, you just don't like the way this poll is going.
Most people are ambivalent and not bent on hatred like you. Your infinite bile, your wish of slow and painful death for Mr. Paladini ... he is not a model citizen for certain and the upcoming film will further prove that, but you constantly show yourself to be no less despicable than him
2 points you naughty rodentFrom the Hills of Kerry
To the streets of Free Derry
dont think it matters what way the poll goes...everyone has opinions and everyone should be able to express their opinion on a football forum shouldnt they? Pro Paladini/Anti Paladini or ambivalent doesnt matter as long as that person isnt in control of the site or the delete/instaban button like Petey did for years then i dont foresee a problem
Originally posted by Kirill View PostAdmit it, you just don't like the way this poll is going.
Most people are ambivalent and not bent on hatred like you. Your infinite bile, your wish of slow and painful death for Mr. Paladini ... he is not a model citizen for certain and the upcoming film will further prove that, but you constantly show yourself to be no less despicable than him
I am 36 bundles of kids missus dog cat mortgage job etc..regardless of good or bad times there have been occasions when thinking about my Rangers kept me sane...I'm relatively new to this..watrb loft for words etc...now I'm personally against paladin, I don't hate the man nor do I wish him any I'll will, I'm just thankful that he is no longer at our club...and to get to my point which I'm trying to make the long way round. I'm 36 years old I'd say about 17 years a season ticket holder on and off and about 10 years a member....and I've seen something in the last 24/48 hours that I have never seen...and that is QPR fans despising eachother! Even hating one another!..if anything should come from mr paladin departing it should be this...start again, the Ill will clearly started with him and got out of hand...the thought of like minded people(and to be Brittany honest there isn't that many off us) hating each other...saddens me...come on you Rs.. I'm off upstairs to put my kids in bed watch in the night garden and dream about an 8 man Rs team winning 4-1 at Stamford bridge!.
You only have to ask 2 questions.
Where were we when he came to the club?
Where are we when he left the club?
Thats your answer.
just a side note on banning and posters, I don't post that much as you can see, but from memory we have about 3-4 posters that were banned for life. Others tended to be spammers. Thats it and I actually only ever banned one for life.
Though if I was Krill, I would start banning a few people. He seems to be getting unwarranted stick from a few people.Last edited by qblockpete; 17-11-2011, 11:21 PM.ALL BEST BANTER AND ALL THE LATEST FROM QPR.
Originally posted by JonDoeman View Postwhere's the correspondant gone?
did you read some of it?
He's back here in Petey guise to defend his boss.....
You going with him to his next club Pete?
follow the gravy train you know it makes sensemaybe he can get you some free tickets and stuff for his next club?
Last edited by vblockranger; 17-11-2011, 11:40 PM.