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So Fernandes says we'll be building a new stadium in W12....but where?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by LoftusRoadLad View Post
    Shepherd's Bush Green...perfick...2 train stations, lottsa busses...pubs and food... I'll get me coat
    LMAO cos the traffic round there isn't bad enough now !


    • #32
      Originally posted by robloft View Post
      LMAO cos the traffic round there isn't bad enough now !
      The green would be closed and traffic diverted into huge tunnels.

      Any coming fron the SW direction will be diverted into huge sewage pits.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Factamondo View Post
        great site up the road in brentwood..........perfect for me plus the 'towie' girls could attend in qpr vagazzles..........qpr in essex...you know it makes sense!
        Would rather pissh in the wind


        • #34
          Originally posted by Gerryhatrick View Post
          TF quoted he wanted a 40-45k stadium, and even though most think this is too big, we possibly don't have the same single mindedness of refusing to think about possible relegation, nor do we have the marketing skills that no doubt TF has access to, to make sure we fill it, which is why he is so wealthy, and we are just fans along for the journey. Enjoy, it's his risk.

          Lille Stadium progress. Should open in 1 year apparently. http://stadiumporn.com/grand-stade-l...-lille-france/
          Official Lille site: http://www.grandstade-lillemetropole.com/
          Yes, it is a risk and if it is his and Mittals' money that is spent and they are willing to do it, then why not?

          There is a large catchment area for QPR to exploit and attract an extra 20,000 to games. 25, 20 or even 15 years ago Chelsea were attracting 15-25,000 gates for games and now fill SB at 42,000.

          At thj right prices i.e. Kids or £2-5, young adults & OAPs at £10-15 and family deals, and ST at £400 etc, QPR will be in a position to attract between 30-45,000 depending on league position, opponents & importance of matches. TF can visualise that as can some fans.


          • #35
            Indeed, he has prob calculated that a smaller stadium wd still cost almost as much but would bring in far less revenue. In order to eventually become even half way towards self-financing the club needs to play in front of bigger gates. It is a risk - we have never been a "big" club and even in our glory days couldn't attract those kind of gates. Still, think we should all pay Fernandes and the Mittels the respect of recognising that they understand money a lot better than all of us...


            • #36
              Originally posted by Del View Post
              . To keep the atmosphere right and look good on the cameras they could even section off the uppermost rows until there was ever a need to breach into that space. They could do this subtly or use it for advertising.
              That's actually a very good idea. They could even put up colourful cards on the seats to spell out names of companies i.e. Coca-Cola, Sony, Apple, BP etc.

              If there is not enough demand for seats in some matches they could switch to the seats at the front to keep the atmosphere going.


              • #37
                Originally posted by stanistheman View Post
                That's actually a very good idea. They could even put up colourful cards on the seats to spell out names of companies i.e. Coca-Cola, Sony, Apple, BP etc.

                If there is not enough demand for seats in some matches they could switch to the seats at the front to keep the atmosphere going.
                Next you will suggest we should fill the ground with manequins dressed in QPR scarves - bit like in the war when we put Spitfires made of balsa-wood on disused aerodromes to convince the Bosche we had hundreds of extra planes...


                • #38
                  I'd like to see us have the first 250:000 cap ground. We could have 225:000 blow up fans and fake noise like the #### had when the north w@nk was knock down.


                  • #39
                    Of all the W12 options only Scrubs looks to be genuinely viable - all other W12 sites appear too hemmed in with streets/houses/residents.


                    • #40
                      do they make flat pack grounds?
                      Chelmsford City the home of Radio


                      • #41
                        just build the ground using 2 or 3 tiers.The upper tier(s)could be overflow area's,where tickets are only sold when the rest of the ground is sold out.Or do what Fulham do,have a large away end.Any tickets not sold out to the away fans can go on general sale.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by PedalR View Post
                          Of all the W12 options only Scrubs looks to be genuinely viable - all other W12 sites appear too hemmed in with streets/houses/residents.
                          Fernandes is quoted as saying he wants the old White City site: http://www.wearetherangersboys.com/f...5&postcount=27

