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cup final 82 memories.............

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  • cup final 82 memories.............

    what do you remember most from the biggest game in our history??..........apart from the replay result
    you know nothing john snow!!!!

  • #2
    I remember crying on the way home from the replay. I was only a boy though.
    twitter @silvercue



    • #3
      Being set upon by a gang of Spurs fans after the first match. I was 12 years old, minding my own business, walking under a tunnel back from the ground. Never had much affection for Spurs after that, though must admit they have always had some very stylish players.


      • #4
        OOooo too many memories.

        Being in The Elm tree pub in Harlesden at 8am.

        Walking all the way to LR just to walk back again.

        Free booze at all the Offies on route

        Walking towards Wembley Triangle & see the looks on The Spuds faces when they realized there was a few more thousand Rs behind us.

        Singing, laughing, crying, passing out.

        Turning up at LR on the Sunday morning very hung over queuing for a replay ticket.

        Would rather not talk too much about the replay though :(
        Minds Are Like Parachutes.
        Work Best When Open...


        • #5
          Working a split shift at the Savloy and dashing home to see it,then late back and almost getting binned...


          • #6
            Walking home to Denzil Road, NW10 after the replay in tears. I even gave someone my programme because in retrospect, I am a muppet.


            • #7

              remember the massed forces of qpr comming around the corner opposite the metroploitan football club never seen anything like it there must have been two thousand of them...........................
              Click here to view my blog.



              • #8
                I was 15, remember loads of trouble in the ground, spurs were in the lower tier below us and everything from beer cans to a supermarket bought chicken were thrown down at them.
                On the racist theme I also remember Rangers fans singing " there's only one kind of n****r" every time Bobby Hazell beat Crooks to a ball.


                • #9
                  staying up friday nite , meeting at the smuts in the morning and walking to wembley. the beer lorry stuck on ducane rd and lloyd R.I.P bro, passing all the crates to us .the tear up with a lorry load of spurs and the equalizer watching thousands of us go mad. knowing that i was clever enough to bring a camera so i can show the pics to my kids


                  • #10
                    Remember walking out of Wembley Park tube with my brother having travelled up from Kent and walking up Wembley Way thinking 'Sh*t are we the only 2 Rangers fans here?' It wasn't until we got up to the concourse that you could see all the Rangers walking in from the West Way!

                    Sang on my own for 5 mins after Spurs scored then suddenly the rest of the block joined in and Fenwick scored. The man in front of me, who must of been in his 50s, picked me up and kissed me shouting 'You got us that goal' (I was 17 at the time!)

                    Got a smack after the game from a couple of Spurs as we got to the bottom of ther upper tier staircase and the fighting continued outside.

                    Don't remember much about the replay just that there was a lot of coin throwing and that I got to know Vodka quite well for the first time that night drowning my sorrows in a pub in Villiers St whilst waiting for a train back from Charing Cross. Happy Days
                    22nd February away v Charlton is the 40th Anniversary of my support of QPR and my first game. Away v Chelsea 3-3 23rd Feb 1974. 40 years of pure magic!!


                    • #11
                      I was at the wall with all the spuds below...pissed as per norm, we scored and i was jumping like a lad in frenzy for wot seams like ages then saw spuds boys giving me the #### hand....not realising the goal was dis alowed....that was it i gave it large then all the spuds came to the wall to get to me ......turned round wow all QPR big boys surrounded me to protect me from the onslaught trying to climb the wall...cops were soon on the scene but by that time the spuds turned into baked spuds....


                      • #12
                        Remember me and bruv watchin highlights on box that night. Then up to ground with handful of other mongos to sleep outside the turnstiles in LR to get replay tickets. Also remember morning after replay. Whilst out doing paper round, spraying graffitti on window of Steve perrymans sports in greenford!!!


                        • #13
                          Having the **** taken out of me and my old man on the tube on the way home by loads of drunk Spuds, being amazingly upset after the replay, it was the first time, in my football watching life i felt the world had been ripped from under me...i was only 11 though
                          Rangers,Scooters ,Tunes and Trainers


                          • #14
                            Same as above, mistakenly getting the tube to wembley and getting dogs abuse all the way ( good humoured though). Trying to
                            Hide my tears when we equalised and an off license called tottenham wines having it's windows put in, in greenford
                            after the replay.


                            • #15
                              Can't remember seeing many Spuds fans before/after games.... dunno where they all were really; maybe going on foot meant I didn't cross their paths? Got hold of a Spuds scarf after replay, tied it round a tree and set it on fire - not really big or clever but it made me feel better.

