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The biggest toy throwing rant yet?

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  • The biggest toy throwing rant yet?

    As I'm working from home today I thought I'd have a look over on thr mob from down the roads forums and see what they are making of the last few days.

    Some of the comments made are quite frankly laughable but this post takes mental to a new level.

    Posted Yesterday, 05:31 PM

    First Team Squad

    I've already had a rant and rave about the game, but I think this deserves a separate article as I believe QPR and Warnock epitomise everything that is wrong with modern day football.

    Due to the biased refereeing we have witnessed so far towards opposition (I agree with AVB on this) I have given up any hope of us winning the league. So long as we finish between 1st-3rd I am not bothered so long as QPR are relegated (which will hopefully result in Warnock getting the sack)

    Why do I believe they are everything that is wrong with football?

    1. Warnock

    The sooner this man is out of football and off our TV the better off we will be. Bear in mind he is the only manager to have ever gone on record to tell his players to break the legs of the opposition. Look no further than Sheffield United vs West Brom in 2002 to understand what I mean about this man.

    The worst thing about Sunday is that at half time he clearly noticed how biased the referee was and instructed his players to try and get Chelsea players booked in attempt to make the handicap if even worse. Lampard and JT's bookings in particular came as a result of this. Paddy Kenny getting JT booked was one of the worst acts of sportsmanship I have seen since Barca vs Real last season.

    2. The players

    The most astonishing thing about the backlash is how quick they were to criticise our players when they have Barton as captain. A man that subbed a cigar out into the eye of one of his own teammates. Also assaulted another teammate living him scarred and with a black eye. Then the ex-Captain who seems to believe he is God's gift to all. Probably the most petulant and most self obsessed footballers you are likely to see. Walked out on the international side because he was subbed, less than a month later returns and kisses the badge. Walked out on his teammates in a West London derby because he was subbed.

    They aren't a team, they are individual ego's filled with their own hidden agenda's.

    3. The lack of class and grace in victory

    Now sure they'll spin this and accuse us of lacking grace in defeat but the reaction has been appalling as has the way they manipulated the media. Anton Ferdinand coming over and kissing the badge in front of our fans doesn't bother me, I actually like that sort of banter, but when QPR fans make up internet allegations about our captain and accuse him of racist slurs before anything has been proved that is not on in my view. In addition to this run to the media and say that we disrespected them on our site when all of what was written was said in jest and was in fact truthful, more to the point it was written by ONE person.

    4. The fans - Hating another team more than supporting your own.

    It seems to be a common theme amongst fans these days. Now don't get me wrong I don't care about QPR enough to hate them, but I hate West Ham, Spurs and Arsenal, but the day I hate them more than I love my own club will be a day I start to look at myself and reflect. From experience alone and seeing QPR forums, there seems to be this obsession and insecurity regarding Chelsea. I am on Twitter and I've seen QPR fans (several) all but admit they hate us more than they love their own club. Many have said they would happily be relegated now that they've beaten us, where is the ambition?

    5. Behaviour of supporters/ballboys/stewards in ground

    You could tell they were trying to time-waste but this took the biscuit. Deliberately not giving the ball back to kill momentum and waste time. The ballboys and stewards were also in on this, no urgency to try and retrieve the ball or to discipline QPR fans. If we're being fined and charged for failure to control our players then why aren't they being charged and fined for failure to control their own fans.
    ================================================== ================================================== ==

    It would be a real shame if proper clubs like Norwich and Swansea that play football the right way and have decent and respectable players and coaching staff were to be relegated at the expense of a joke club like QPR who are none of the aforementioned.

    AVB and co must see to it that April 28th or whenever it is we play them we see to it they are well and truly humbled with their fans leaving the Bridge 20 minutes early in tears due to the fact they will be relegated.

  • #2

    Absolute quality! Poor bloke clearly still hasnt dried his eyes from Sunday yet... bless him!
    You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.


    • #3
      Ha Ha ballboys ? They love us really !!


      • #4
        What an absolute bellend! Another one of the special one 2003 johnny come latelys. He will be a man city fan next season. Mug.
        Top Scorers 2018/2019

        Nakhi Wells - 8
        Pawel Wszolek - 6
        Luke Freeman - 6
        Matt Smith - 6
        Ebere Eze - 4
        Joel Lynch - 3
        Tomer Hemed - 3
        Toni Leistner - 2
        Massimo Luongo- 2
        Angel Rangel - 2
        Bright Osayi-Samuel - 2
        Geoff Cameron - 1
        Aramide Oteh - 1
        Jake Bidwell - 1
        Jordan Cousins - 1

        Summer Transfers 2019




        • #5
          Yes it was all very unfair.
          The match should be replayed.
          Banning people is no longer my hobby,
          but take a look at my photo blog:


          How and why did I start supporting QPR in Estonia:


          • #6
            he is probably reading this now.

            Although it is a bit of a baby-strop, I think most people outside our club have that view on Warny and Barty. I hated them both before they became Rs.
            twitter @silvercue



            • #7
              (Paddy Kenny getting JT booked was one of the worst acts of sportsmanship I have seen since Barca vs Real last season).He doesn't mention the unsporting behaviour not giving the ball back after Kenny kicked it out for Derry's injury hey,


              • #8
                Seems to me this does nothing but reinforce the reason why we all think that chelsea fans are MOSTLY idiots.....i mean that is a post that he probably reckons is a reasonable and balanced view on sundays game...he has probably read it through a few times and thought to himself ......yeah that all makes sense , and comes across as a well written, balanced and thoughtful post.

                I'm trying to not get angry and the blind ignorance and arrogance on display here...hate to think what might of become of me if by some very bad fortune i'd been born into a ****mer family and not raised as QPR

                I mean wtf??? seriously.....wtf?


                • #9
                  i am thoroughly enjoying this "backlash" to our victory. it's not a win, it's a victory. so Neil "Grassroots" Warnock is the worst man of all time? How about Roman "the oligarch" abramovich? i'm sure he's odne one or two naughty things to get his billions.
                  Then blaiming the fans for chucking the ball away?! fans are not there to return the football - we pay our money. do the chelsea fans climb over the barriers at FT to cut the grass? no! fans can do want they want in the stadium.
                  what an absolute penis.


                  • #10
                    The irony in that rant is rather outstanding!


                    • #11
                      Its a game you plank, its a local derby, its a battle of survival.

                      He needs to look at some of his own players, JT such a loveable guy, salt of the earth. Look at other players you have had and have still got. Money grabbing doughnuts and glory hunters.

                      If it was the other way round would they care two hoots? Like fook they would.

                      Watched it again on TV and yhey were lucky not to have Louis and Cole sent off as well, both should have been booked again.

                      Best day for me in years, Mylesy 91 me old sugarpuff go and get a life and take the rough with the smooth.
                      I blew a lot on vodka and tonic, gambling and fags. Looking back, I think I overdid it on the tonic. - The one and only Stanley Bowles


                      • #12
                        they have had it so good for so long they thought they would top fulhams score , mugs


                        • #13
                          Maybe they don't see drogba dive about like a salmon week in week out..


                          • #14
                            Great stuff Pblock... could read their drivel all day, makes me laugh out loud! Come across any other corkers that were equally hysterical and wet as "Myles91"?


                            • #15
                              Why not link the thread so we can read the comments?

