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David Luiz - Fair play

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Dazzer1977 View Post
    Let me tell you that c**t JT and phone up your #### loving bandit never forgot. They knew full well what they were doing, nothing more than a bunch of overpaid cheating ba**ards.
    someone i know that sites in that part of the ground said he clearly heard john terry say to cashly not to pass the ball back

    which is exactly the reason why i never gave luiz back the ball

    the only decent thing luiz done was reolise thats why i didnt pass it back
    still s.cum

    #QPRJunglists #QPRPartybusmassive @epn1882chalet QPR - JUNGLE - DnB - Westside Hounslow


    • #17
      Originally posted by SammyKojoe View Post
      On the downside though you do throw like a girl!
      also another downside, sammys a girls name!

      #QPRJunglists #QPRPartybusmassive @epn1882chalet QPR - JUNGLE - DnB - Westside Hounslow


      • #18
        Bought back memories, that did. In the mid eighties, we were playing Loo-town at LR and I was in the Paddock, round about where you were. We were 1 up late in the game and Tim Breaker comes running up and shouts 'Give me the F-in Ball' at me after I caught it. I simply said 'no, cos you f-in well swore at me' and lobbed it over his head. Caught on Sportsnight's cameras too!


        • #19
          Originally posted by davman View Post
          Bought back memories, that did. In the mid eighties, we were playing Loo-town at LR and I was in the Paddock, round about where you were. We were 1 up late in the game and Tim Breaker comes running up and shouts 'Give me the F-in Ball' at me after I caught it. I simply said 'no, cos you f-in well swore at me' and lobbed it over his head. Caught on Sportsnight's cameras too!
          thats jokes tim breaker who went on to play for us yeh???


          its lucky that ive growen up with the tinternet as now ive loaded this onto you tube it will be arround .....



          #QPRJunglists #QPRPartybusmassive @epn1882chalet QPR - JUNGLE - DnB - Westside Hounslow


          • #20
            Originally posted by eastpaddoknutta View Post
            thats jokes tim breaker who went on to play for us yeh???


            its lucky that ive growen up with the tinternet as now ive loaded this onto you tube it will be arround .....


            True, eastpaddoknutta, true - will you be my hero??? :kiss:

            My moment of fame was probably in Black and White tbh...:sorry:


            • #21
              Originally posted by davman View Post
              True, eastpaddoknutta, true - will you be my hero??? :kiss:

              My moment of fame was probably in Black and White tbh...:sorry:
              many more to come this season also

              my next target

              vincent kompany/joleen lescot??? or maybe ill get to rare up....

              MARIO BALOTELI!!!!

              #QPRJunglists #QPRPartybusmassive @epn1882chalet QPR - JUNGLE - DnB - Westside Hounslow


              • #22
                Originally posted by eastpaddoknutta View Post
                thats jokes tim breaker who went on to play for us yeh???


                its lucky that ive growen up with the tinternet as now ive loaded this onto you tube it will be arround .....


                You mean until the FA/Premier League remove it on copyright grounds.


                • #23
                  cfc invaded report to reply to my post HILLARIOUS!

                  Oct 24, 2011, 1:50pm, eastpaddoknutta wrote: It's Ok boys
                  A little later after that incident the ball came out to the paddocks for a s.cum throw in
                  It come straight to me
                  I went to give it to David luiz and the threw it down the line to there end
                  He got very angry and suggested I may of suggested I was overweight to ( cheeky sideshow bob looking mutha trucker)
                  Fair play he shook my hand after the game

                  Actually an ironic thread!

                  Well done mate. Now are you the sad fat #### who looked all excited about the ball coming his way, like a six year old kid sitting in the stands at ####ee stadium? Who then threw it away like,said,six year old. This was then followed up by a hand gesture that I can only imagine suggests what you were going to be doing to MTV's rap video hour once your Mum goes off to bed.

                  Or, are you the middle aged chap (who should know better)in a driving jacket. The one sitting next to the rather doughy fella who looked like a love-child between Buddah and Susan Boyle. Who once again stood there giving the Self Indulgent sign. Again another irony. I wonder if you jack off with your string back gloves on Time to grow the F up.

                  how long until someone gets their 'feelers, hurt and runs to the moderator? Classy Rangers, real classy.

                  Read more: http://qprreport.proboards.com/index...#ixzz1bsHk0elT

                  EAST PADDOK NUTTA 1
                  CFC 0


                  #QPRJunglists #QPRPartybusmassive @epn1882chalet QPR - JUNGLE - DnB - Westside Hounslow


                  • #24
                    David luiz hand shake



                    #QPRJunglists #QPRPartybusmassive @epn1882chalet QPR - JUNGLE - DnB - Westside Hounslow


                    • #25

                      #QPRJunglists #QPRPartybusmassive @epn1882chalet QPR - JUNGLE - DnB - Westside Hounslow


                      • #26
                        Good on Luiz class act

