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dedicating the chelsea win to trev kingham

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  • dedicating the chelsea win to trev kingham

    its going to be dedicated to trev kingham,all those lucky fans that went to the match experienced the best ever crowd performance,in the history of the club
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  • #2
    ted ted we were like one mighty blue n white huuricane..........i saw some chelsea fans with fear in their eyes like it was the old cold blow lane at millwall...we feared no foe and every man woman and child did their duty like never before...........the days of 5000 chelsea in the loft are a distant memory never to be repeated.......i expect 3000 rangers in 'their' stands in april and ted you must lead us from the front....speckled hen in hand.
    you know nothing john snow!!!!


    • #3

      well i cant lead from the front,im definately not like you facto,you are a lion amongst men,you still retain a knockout punch from your boxing days,where as
      im finished my old battle commander,im only interested in writing poetry and the poetry is not always the best,

      but how i wished i was there against chelsea how wonderfull it must have been
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      • #4
        ted ted im a lover not a fighter these days..........i hissed and boo'ed at the chelsea players getting off the coach but was distracted by a beautiful apparation to my side.............it was swanners and in the presence of her beauty i melted like a snowman in the saharah with a rain coat on...........i think the chelsea players were bamboozled by her loveliness to as they couldnt concentrate on the game!
        you know nothing john snow!!!!


        • #5

          yes i keep getting reports about swanners beauty she must be trully as gorgeous as a model
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          • #6
            ted think megan fox and jasons mum in corrie and we are half way there
            you know nothing john snow!!!!


            • #7
              Excellent gesture Ted. Sorely missed, but I bet he could hear that atmosphere up there! R.I.P. Trevor


              • #8

                what i really loved about trev kingham was that he had a lovely smile on his face all the time,but he would have so much loved this fantastic day out when all around,was mass hysteria

                he was one in a million was trev he was a personification of love
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