According to the offy, matchday prices are apparently priced at £20, £25, £30, and £35, from bronze thru to platinum. And the respective savings per season are also published, based on these figures.,00.html
Unless I've missed something, I understood that the category games structure is being kept. There is no mention of what prices are being charged for what games. So for those of you thinking that matchday prices may be a bit cheaper than buying an ST, if you're likely to miss a few games, you may well have to reconsider.
If there are no cat. games, then all well and good, you know what your savings may be. If cat. games and different pricing is introduced, then the savings figures being advertised are spin. Anyone know anything about this?
Unless I've missed something, I understood that the category games structure is being kept. There is no mention of what prices are being charged for what games. So for those of you thinking that matchday prices may be a bit cheaper than buying an ST, if you're likely to miss a few games, you may well have to reconsider.
If there are no cat. games, then all well and good, you know what your savings may be. If cat. games and different pricing is introduced, then the savings figures being advertised are spin. Anyone know anything about this?