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  • #16
    brightonr ,who though i dont know personally, appears a top lad
    you know nothing john snow!!!!


    • #17
      [QUOTE=paulmason;726759]If Ric-Roc does not consult a lawyer and go for the throat it its plausible, Ric-Roc is crazy IMO.

      And who's throat would that be exactly- the club? NW? A member of the Mod team on this site?

      If Ric himself has said its done and dusted and urged people to move on then perhaps we should do that and not look to get QPR's name dragged through the muck all over again?


      • #18
        Top post btw Brighton- some calm and sense being spoken by someone after an awful lot of nonsense


        • #19
          I'd like to add to Brightons post, which I agree with by the way. Every word.

          Firstly, I saw the post in question when it first came up. So no excuses about "the mods" not seeing it are needed from anyone. Including Pete. I don't need to be defended by Pete on that one. I saw it, and didn't delete it. In the absence of a time travel machine, I saw no reason to censor it. It could have been a load of b*ll*cks - with respect to Ric-Roc, posts like that usually are.
          I didn't delete it. It didn't even cross my mind. Because it was just another rumour that you get on here, almost daily.
          Are we supposed to delete every thread that MIGHT be true, and MIGHT be used by the opposition manager to gain an advantage for the upcoming game?!
          There are enough digs on here from a few people about over-moderating and censorship, so it's not taken lightly.

          All this cr*p about "the mods" on here rallying around Pete and defending our master - more rubbish.
          He'd be the first to admit that he is getting his nuts chewed off over all this in the Staff Area. He should NOT have given QPR FC any kind of email address, or contact details. End of. He made a mistake there, I'm sure he knows that now. In hindsight.
          I hope he's apologized properly and privately to Ric-Roc for his error, and I think that's all Ric wants. Everyone makes mistakes.
          But I will say this in his defence - I'm sure Pete didn't want this to happen, or deliberately stitch Ric-roc up. No way.
          If he'd have thought for one second that any info he gave to QPR would have been used in the way it was used, he'd have refused. I'd imagine he thought the club would send a private email to Ric-roc, simply asking him to refrain, and asking him his "source".

          I say "I'd imagine", because I've never met Pete, spoken to him, or even emailed him. If I walked past Pete in the street, he wouldn't recognise me. So he is not a "mate", and I'm certainly not one of his "cronies".
          I think GP is an embarrassing clown, and Pete isn't very good at this keyboard lark. Good on the radio, and thought the videos were very good. I think he should concentrate on that. My PERSONAL opinion.
          There, I've said it.
          That's probably the end of me as a mod on here. I'm not sure I want to carry on anyway.

          BUT I think he and Ric-Roc have been put in the firing line, and put in a very awkward position by whoever decided to publish Ric-Rocs email address on the official site. A stupid thing to do, and pretty vindictive as well from "professionals" who should know better.

          Warnock?? Surely we can excuse him a bit?
          He shouldn't go around showboating to the media by trying to incite "real fans" to abuse a "fake fan". Ric-Roc is not a fake fan, and doesn't deserve all this. But Warnock is an emotional man, and doesn't really have much time for online media. He clearly hates Twitter, and all the hype and ill-informed cr*p that is spouted on forums that often influence fans and even a few players. He's "Old School".
          I'm beginning to agree with him, if I'm honest. So much stuff that is typed on forums and twitter is vindictive and cheap. It's often agenda driven, and helps nobody. Certainly not Warnock in his job.

          Even though it had f*** all to do with me, or ANY other "mod", I would like to apologize to Ric-Roc and Neil Warnock for any mistakes anybody attached to this site has made over the weekend, however unintended it was.

          But I think the people who run QPR's "media dept" need to also have a long look at themselves in the mirror and ask themselves if they have advised Neil Warnock well, or made QPR FC look pretty stupid and vindictive in the eyes of many of their own paying fans, again.

          If people want to sling petrol on this for days on end, that's up to them. That's the internet for you. Fill your boots.

          But once again, sorry.
          "Trust In Warnock" - Don't just type it - Do It.


          • #20
            Sullivan ... Another top post mate. Very well put.
            You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.


            • #21
              i must say both brighton and sullivan , great posts and tbh if ric happy with the response and ready to move on then no one else has a right to carry it on
              lets end it now


              • #22
                Originally posted by DouDou_87 View Post

                "I have had an interesting email this morning from a legal firm that I will say no more about at this time but the club are on shaky ground doing what they are doing."
                Not my area of law so will not comment on legal position but to try and exacerbate this by using the law is frankly pathetic and embarrassing given the circumstances. Using the law should always be the last resport in any dispute.

                Mistakes were innocently made and blown out of all proportion. This time next week most will have forgotten about it. No harm has been done to the team other than Neil being made to look a little bit silly by his over reaction and for Ric with all the hassle this has caused him.

                Those suggesting going all legal with it should perhaps show the same maturity of Ric and BrightonR and move on.


                • #23
                  Great posts indeed from Brighton and Sullivan.
                  The whole incident is very unfortunate, and as has been said, these fan sites are full of 'rumour'. That's one of their key draws. Most of the time, as we know, they amount to nothing - just so happens this one was true and even then, it's clear Ric-Roc tried to do the right thing as soon as he realised their could be an implication.

                  I have to add my name to those that have stated that Ric has behaved in an extremely dignified manner throughout this - all credit to him.

                  It was a bad mistake to leak his (or 'an') email address - but it seems an apology has been made on that and, we are human, people make mistakes.

                  I think Warnock behaved pretty badly actually with his own words, but as others have said, he's an emotional man, wears his heart on his sleeve - so in some way it's no surprise. Doesn't excuse it - but at the end of the day, that's Warnock. We all know it.


                  • #24
                    2 very good post from Brighton and Sullivan. Add to that a very measured and controlled stance by Ric and everything ought to be capable of resolution.
                    Sadly (and to use Sullivan's phrase above) there are some very small minded individuals in this world and they will happily sling pertol on this for days because it's what seems to make their own little world's turn


                    • #25
                      Thanks fella's appreciate that.

                      Must admit its pretty silly now. Like seriously.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Bluehoop View Post
                        2 very good post from Brighton and Sullivan. Add to that a very measured and controlled stance by Ric and everything ought to be capable of resolution.
                        Sadly (and to use Sullivan's phrase above) there are some very small minded individuals in this world and they will happily sling pertol on this for days because it's what seems to make their own little world's turn
                        My world dont need turning, but my point about misguided loyalty is valid, as it does not work both ways. If on Sunday Ric is kicked our for not sitting down and whilst being man handled out the ground he accidentally hit a steward and is nicked for GBH, prosecuted and gets a 3 year ban, will the club intervene as it was only an accident, or will the say **** him, he knew the rules ?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Ric-Roc View Post
                          Thanks fella's appreciate that.

                          Must admit its pretty silly now. Like seriously.
                          Always respected you as a poster Ric - since all these developments I now respect you as a human being too - funny old world aint it!

                          Oh and as for dear old Charlie and his friend Russell, they are looking out for exposure rather than looking out for you mate so good decision well made (assuming I have the right vultures of course )


                          • #28
                            Best thread on theatter yet. Possibly the only one worth starting.
                            Your mum would love me...


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Bluehoop View Post
                              2 very good post from Brighton and Sullivan. Add to that a very measured and controlled stance by Ric and everything ought to be capable of resolution.
                              Sadly (and to use Sullivan's phrase above) there are some very small minded individuals in this world and they will happily sling pertol on this for days because it's what seems to make their own little world's turn
                              lets put it to bed.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Ric-Roc View Post
                                Thanks fella's appreciate that.

                                Must admit its pretty silly now. Like seriously.
                                I'm sure it'll drag on for a while, because some people want it to. And I don't just mean the media.

                                Mistakes made all round? Yeah. But it'll blow over soon enough.
                                Chin up mate. Take it out on Chelsea on sunday.
                                "Trust In Warnock" - Don't just type it - Do It.

