I think it wll show quite a few people in a bad light, and some of this behavour of our fans too as their frustartion of being treated like dirt proves too much.
The good news is it will show Amit in a very good light, showing how he took over, ran the club correctly and got got us promoted.
It will show Fav as the completed A$%^& that he is and may show GP maniputing people to get what he wants.
Biggest concern for me is that it may show, us maniputalting the Faurlin evidence that can be used to reopen the case
Good news is it will show that we have got rid of the people who caused the mess, and with Amit / TF in charge how we will be run in the future.
Yes, there will be bad press, but this can also be counterated by good PR on the fact the new owners have reduced ticket prices, removed the bad apples in personnel, how we are now building the acdemay and for the future.
Alot of people would say even bad PR can be used as good PR, which is what i would expect us to do. Its the Faurlin issue is the biggest worry.
The good news is it will show Amit in a very good light, showing how he took over, ran the club correctly and got got us promoted.
It will show Fav as the completed A$%^& that he is and may show GP maniputing people to get what he wants.
Biggest concern for me is that it may show, us maniputalting the Faurlin evidence that can be used to reopen the case

Good news is it will show that we have got rid of the people who caused the mess, and with Amit / TF in charge how we will be run in the future.
Yes, there will be bad press, but this can also be counterated by good PR on the fact the new owners have reduced ticket prices, removed the bad apples in personnel, how we are now building the acdemay and for the future.
Alot of people would say even bad PR can be used as good PR, which is what i would expect us to do. Its the Faurlin issue is the biggest worry.