Originally posted by stanistheman
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Leeds is the only game in years I have not been able to get a ticket. I have never had any other problem at all.
So many people on here saying we are a big club and need a 25 or 40,000 seater stadium when we get promoted - it is laughable. Look at our gates for the last 20+ years - apart from one season thay have stayed about the same - no matter what the price.
We had so many threads about selling out every game and would be able to sell out 25, 35 and 40,000 in th Prem....always said it was utter nonsence.
Yes, pricing would of course help and bring more people in - that is obvious and proven by whatever club it is that are doing season tickets for £100.
But the reality is - we don't have many fans willing to go regularly. If there was no price increase and we had sold out - everyone on here would be slagging off the "Johnny-Come-Lately's" and "Glory Hunters" anyway.