Is complete dog turd
I can understand why we are saddled with other overpaid useless turds like Vine and Agy due to the incompetent waiter but why oh why oh why give Cerny another year.
Flaps, scared to come out, zero confidence, doesn't Marshall defence and shot stopping ability he once had as a slight redeeming factor been dwindling away for ages.
The work of NW or the hand of others at play with his extra year?
I pray Paddy don't get injured at a party
I can understand why we are saddled with other overpaid useless turds like Vine and Agy due to the incompetent waiter but why oh why oh why give Cerny another year.
Flaps, scared to come out, zero confidence, doesn't Marshall defence and shot stopping ability he once had as a slight redeeming factor been dwindling away for ages.
The work of NW or the hand of others at play with his extra year?
I pray Paddy don't get injured at a party