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  • #46
    Originally posted by Mellowhoop View Post
    ....... Did to have to tell the whole site that. Bully
    You think you have problems.

    I have no infractions tab, no friends, not part of any group,no one following me on twitter and no blog entries.

    I am a boring nobody


    • #47
      I think we all get along just fine on here.

      I never post anywhere other than here, and on the very odd occasion qprdot. Nothing against any of the others as they are all good, but i'ts too much effort to go between. Loft for words is a blinding board, but again, it's one board too many. Every board had their cliques, and it's hard work to post if your not in one of them. I can't be doing with the MB wars either. Too much hassle.
      Last edited by BennyBoyRs; 20-07-2011, 06:47 PM.
      Your mum would love me...


      • #48
        Originally posted by BennyBoyRs View Post
        I think we all get along just fine on here.

        I never post anywhere other than here, and on the very odd occasion qprdot. Nothing against any of the others as they are all good, butbits too much effort to go between. Loft for words is a blinding board, but again, it's one board too many. Every board had their cliques, and it's hard work to post if your not in one of them. I can't be doing with the MB wars either. Too much hassle.
        same as me


        • #49
          Originally posted by Spencer View Post
          You think you have problems.

          I have no infractions tab, no friends, not part of any group,no one following me on twitter and no blog entries.

          I am a boring nobody
          Spencer you may or may not have a friends request


          • #50
            this thread cheered my day up immensly.

            scott the mister IT specialist...sounds funnier reading it than saying it.

            and the famous weare, i am so important i HAVE to be listened to about my points, i like being a pain in the #### but why do i get so many warnings........perhaps its because you are special and deserve a surprise now and then.

            well here is one clown thats happy he got that off his chest.......now waits for the whinging to commence.


            • #51
              Originally posted by stainrodisalegend View Post
              I couldn't get in either, nor could many others. Am sure there is nothing personal working against you WEARE.

              Besides, I wouldn't worry, 10 seconds on here confirms that nothing is happening and nobody knows anything so nobody has missed anything. Indeed, they have probably saved 10 minutes of their life.
              Agreed, the daily adel threads don't add much, neither does the wish list for players, but it is what it is. who knows? Maybe the Mittals will buy the club tomorrow.


              • #52
                ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............. ..........


                • #53
                  Originally posted by WeAreQPR12 View Post
                  Right enough's enough.

                  I have been trying to get onto this board all morning and it says it's busy. That's rubbish and I know when you have infraction points you get limited access. Getting rather silly, clear my points so I can get on this board to post.

                  Either that or you want to force me into using a different messageboard.

                  Quite sad really, so Myu I trust you will clean my points record so that I can use this forum. It's been very quiet on here and hardly many viewers.
                  has he left yet?

                  #QPRJunglists #QPRPartybusmassive @epn1882chalet QPR - JUNGLE - DnB - Westside Hounslow


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by eastpaddoknutta View Post
                    has he left yet?
                    according to observers, no.

