..anyone else got a piece?
Remember that day very well.
People started running on the pitch, I wanted to..asked my dad..and he was like.."as long as you dont tell ya mum!" he picked me up and we sprinted over the front of the lower loft onto the hallowed turf ;D
We were clawing at the pitch with our hands, literally grabbing little strands of the stuff and, this is something I'll never forget, a guy next to us..he was bearded and had dave thomas (akutrs) style hair suddenly pulled from his trousers a pair of garden shears
A big f-off, foot long, proper pair of bloddy shears. I remember thinking.."how the heck did he smuggle those in??".
All around us people were whipping out stanley knives and kitchen knives - obviously better prepared than me dad!
Some guy cut us a few pieces with some scissors :victory:
Then i saw some police horses charging from the school end. bricked meself! Me dad picked me up and sprinted back to the loft.
And then he said again "dont tell ya mum and i'll buy you sausage and batter n chips on the way home"
Remember that day very well.
People started running on the pitch, I wanted to..asked my dad..and he was like.."as long as you dont tell ya mum!" he picked me up and we sprinted over the front of the lower loft onto the hallowed turf ;D
We were clawing at the pitch with our hands, literally grabbing little strands of the stuff and, this is something I'll never forget, a guy next to us..he was bearded and had dave thomas (akutrs) style hair suddenly pulled from his trousers a pair of garden shears
All around us people were whipping out stanley knives and kitchen knives - obviously better prepared than me dad!
Some guy cut us a few pieces with some scissors :victory:
Then i saw some police horses charging from the school end. bricked meself! Me dad picked me up and sprinted back to the loft.
And then he said again "dont tell ya mum and i'll buy you sausage and batter n chips on the way home"